Chap. r9. according to St L U K E. 99 CHAP. XIX. Verfe 5. Zacheus, makehafte] Hrrfl is that goodShepheard, thatknoweth all his cheep, and calieth them by_name.. Make hafte and come dotme ] Heaven is amatter ofgreatefl hafte we muff not adjeurne as he did once, In craft-infirmferia, more weighty bufineffes till tomorrow. To day I=oft abideat thy houre ] Quilt not only invite6çbut'o- venobtrudeshimfelf, as it were, upon Zac'heaae':: Its happyhaving fuch guefts. He Both the fame to us , when he fends unto ushis poor fervantsto.preffeupon ourcharity. Unworthywe areTice. ly co givean Ames to poor Chrifl,&c:._ Verfe 8. The halfof mygoods] See the like in T"yrus conver- ted, Ef43:23.47; 18 lrerorehimfourfold] Which was the lawfor things ftollen. Fraud is no better then theft. Reftitution is neceffary to remif liionoffin. God hatestoiocauftum ex rapi sa, as Sultan Selymus could tell his Councellour `Pyrrhus whó perfwadedhim tobeftow Tutk. Hiftfol. the great wealthhe had taken from the Terfan Merchants, upon 567. Lome notable Hofpitall for releifofthe poor : The dying Turk còmrnanded it rather tobe reftored to the right owners , which 'was done accordingly ; to the great fhame of many Chriítians, whomind nothing leífe then reftitution, &c.. When Henry the Third of England had fent theFrier Minors a loadofFreeze to ,cloath them , theyreturned the fame with this meffage ; That he ought not togive almes of whathe had rent from the poor, nei- Daniels hilt. ther would they accept ofthat abhominable gift. Mailer Lati- oEEngi.ror. mer faith ., If ye make no reflitutionofgoodsdetained, ye alai' cough in,6rell. Verfe 9. He a_lfo is a fon of Abraham ] That is, freelyeles- ed, Romans 9. T. _a follower ofaflbrahafrAs faith, Rom. 4. 12. and a doer ofhis works, oh.8.39. Who thencanfay but he . is his fon,and (hall reft in hisbofome ? Verfe 14. Sent:a mef fage 3 Infiea'd; of .fending a lamb to this ruler ofthe earth, Efay.16. I. of the covering thisaltar with the calves of their lips,Hof14.3. Suchmafterlefíe monllers are rife e- very where; fuch duff:-heapes are found in every corner. N n n 2 Verfe 15.