Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

loo A Coinmentary upon the Gofßel Chap. lg. Verfe 15. end Fbhon he w& returned) He went, at his Af cention; and returns at the general!Refurre&ion : At what time he will firft reckon with his fervants , and then with his ene- mies. Judgement (hall then altobegin at Gods-own houfe. Verfe 16. Thy pound hath gained] Not my pains but thy poundhath done it. By the graceofGod Iam that I amifaith.Pau! that confantifmus gratin Pradicator,.as.Auflin calleth him. 7, 00- Verfe a3. Into the bank] Gr. Vnto the table, or ( according to force coppies) unto theVfurers,whomRezahere rightly calleth humani certe genericperniciof:mas.pefles, the moltpernicious pelts ofmankind. Verfe 27. Slay them before me] Howbeit theBeall-and thefalfe Prophet,that is,the Pope and hisJanizaries,fhal not have the favour to be flain as thecommon fort ofChrills enemies are ,. but fhall be cafl alive into the burning lake, tormentedmore exquilìtly, Revela- tions 19.2o,21, Verfe 28. Hewent before ]' To meet death in the face : this wastrue magnanimity. Herein he Chewed himfelf the captain of our falvation, though peddled by fufferings.. Verfe 29. Bethphageand Bethany ] Bethphage was-one mile out ofyerufalem, Bethany two. Verfe 30. go ye into the village i Into Bethphage, that was id their veiwas they went from Bethany. Verfe 41. He beheldthe City] That common flaughter-houle of the Prophets. Our Lord is laid to have beenflainat Rome, Revelations LI. 8. becaufe crucified at. erufalem by the Roman authority. Andwept over it] Shall not we weep over the ruines offo ma- ny fair and flourifhingChurches, that now lie in the dirt.? Chrifb wept in thisday ofhis folemne Inauguration. It flail. be in own Íáít triumph only that all ..tearesThall be wiped from our eyes; tilt then our pallions mull be mixed according to the occa- fions. Verfe 42. 012, ifthouhadfl known ] They had cognitionem hi- fioricamnon myflicam,fpeculativamnonoffetivam., àpprehenfionis, nonapprobationis, difcurfivam, non experimentalem. eft leafs in this thyday ] - The time ofgrace isfitly called aDay in regard of a Revelation. 2 Adornation. 3 Confolation. flint}ion. 5 Speedypreterition: Amend before the draw-bridge be takenup, No, man can fay? he !hall have 12 hours tohis day