Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647 according to S° LuxE. IoL But now they arehidfrom thine eyes] Yet they lived under the Miniftry long after , and nooutwardchange to be difcerned. As Plutarch writesofHannibal,that whenhe could have takenRome, he would not ; when he would, he could not; fo the Procrafti- nators. Verle 43. For thedayes fhallcome].. God bath his dayes for vengeance, as manhathhis day for repentance. There is a Prime ofevery mans life,and of everymansMiniftry. TheLevite lingered fo long, that he loft his Concubine; thecame fhort home : fo doth many a mans foul for like reafon. Shall call a trench about thee] Becaufe like the wild-aTè, thou. wouldit not otherwife be tamed ,, and kept within compaffe of Gods Commandements. s uxp catTo.. Verfe 48. Were very attentive to heare him3 Cr. Hanged on him, as the Bee Bothon the flower, the babe on thebreaft, or the little birdon the bill of her Damme. Chrift drew the people after h?m, as it were, by the golden chainof his heavenly eloquence. CHAP. XX. Verle a. ThecheifPreifisandScribes came] GRuce, Came fuddenly uponhim]; As an expec`Ied ftorme : the Deviil drove them. Verfe 4. ThebaptifineofJohn, c. } q.. d. If john were fent byGod to tell&, as he did , there is no colourof caufe why ye fhould queftionmine authority ? Verfe 8. Neither tell I you G c ] Gods fervants fhould be readywith their anfwer upon hidden affaults , and not to leek of fuch arguments as may ftop the mouthof an adverfary. When a nimble Jefuite asked Wherewas your religion before Luther ?. An- fwer was prefently returned, In the Rible , Where your religion never Way. Vede i6. Codforbid] Viz.. That they f iould ever kill the Sonne of God fent unto them. We cannot get :men to beleive that theirhearts arehalf fobad ,. or their wayes f dangerous , as the preacher makesofthem. . Verfe 17. what is this then that is writteFt,&c. ] q.. d. If it be not fo as I fay, that you (hall kill theMeffiah , how is it that the Scripturefaithas much ? pref a menwithScripture-teftimonies :