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103 ti Commentary open the Wei iyvg. 9E'?ef. Aretius. Chap.2 r; that's the readieft wayof found conviftion. It was a good fpeech ofe/Iugufiine to Manicheus , contefting with him for audience Hear me, hear me, faid the Heretique. Nay, faith Augufline, Nec ego te, nec tome, fedambo audiamus Apofloium dicentum, Pcccatum non cognovi, e-c. It is not I fay , orwhat thou faieft, but what the Scripture faith, that we mutt {land to. Verfe 2o. 7hey/entforthlilies] Gr. Fifbers,that with net and bait catch the filly filh, and feed on them : fuch were thefe Emiffa- ries, thefe catch-poles. Verfe 35. Nor aregiven in marriage] Hence Comecolleft,that the difference of fexes [hal continue atterthe refurreftion: where- fore elfe thould our Saviour fay , that they fhall then neither mar- ry nor be given in marriage ? Sed hic i . Verfe 38. For alllive to him] Even intheir bodies alfo, which he now by rotting refineth ; and (hall as certainly raife, as ifthey were already railed, 6th all things are prefent withhim. CHAP. XXL Verfe 2. Calling in their two mites] `Hat is, two eight parts of an half-penny , faith the Syriack, See theNotes on Mark 12.41, 42, &c. Verfe 13. And it Jhall turn toyou, c. ] Whileft the valour of the Martyrs and the favageneffe ofthe Perfecutorsftrove together, till both, exceeding nature and beleitf , bred wonder and aftonifh- ment in beholders and hearers. Verfe 19. Inyour patience popJ'c fJ"'e] That is, Enjoy yourfelves, however the world goes withyou. He that cannot have patience, Camd. Elizab, had need make uphis pack, and get out of the world : for here's Pl. 495. no being for him. Burleigh Lord Treafurer was wont to fay,that he overcame envy more by patience then pertinacy. Verfe 2o. Jerufalem compaied witharmies] By CefliusGallras, a little before that fatali liegeby Titus. So Godgave his people this 6gn,to take belt courfe for their own fafety. Verfe 24. ZJntill the timesofthe Gentiles] The Gentiles then (hall not alwayes tread down ?erufalem. ThofeKings of the Eaft the Jewes may, likely, have their way prepared to it, through Eu- Zch zz 6, phrates. Rev. 16.12. and 7erufalem beagain inhabitedby them , even in 7erufalcm. But this will benot longbefore the laft day, Vr