Chap.22. according to Sc L u K E. I03 Verfe 26. Mons hearts failing them] What marvel! though wicked men be difpirited , and even ringtheir bels backwards, when they fhall fee all on a light fire ? Mofesh.imfelf may tremble at the terrour of the mount, and Abraham Phew fome trepidati- on in fuch afright. Verfe 34. Take heed that your hearts] The Difciples them- felves had in them the common poyfon of nature : and fo., were obnoxious even to the molt reproachful! evils. That u p,u+'a, ifwateredwith the temptationofSatan ,.,what finne may it not produce in the belt, unleffe God prevent ? Verte. 36. That ye may be accountedworthy] Great is the Em- yyTatcv° phafis ofthis word ( faith learned Beza) for it gives us tounder- ftandthat we owe all to the free elution of God, who loved us fait, and fo accepted us for worthy; Rev.3.4. Cxnr. XXII. . Verfe i. Now thefeaft ofunleavened,d-c. good tobring Biblesto Church. Socrates relates of one Socrat. lib. 7. r is a Novation Bifhop, that reading this text , added cap. S. fuch things ofhis own as carried away many limple people front the faith. Verfe 2.. How they might kill him] Not put him to death as Judges , but kill him as cut-throates. So eflet. ävs r.*"r' 2.23. Verfe-3, Thenentered Satan] He flood' but at the door till . now, that the bufnneffe was concluded on. Verfe 4. And communed with the.cheif Preifts] -Setopte ingcnio, trt reprobi e,fngeli,faithan Interpreter. Verfe. 6. eAnd he prornifjd] By mutual! stipulation (faith4e ,ónas. Beza) wherein the one asketh, Daft thou promife to do fucha thing ?` The other-anfwereth,'I doproinife. Like asof old it was, Credis ? Credo. Abrenunciaa ? Abrenuncio. Beleeveít thou ? I do beleeve.. Forfakeft thou ? I do forfake. Verfe 7; The dayOfunleavened bread, when, &c. ] It situt be our care to calf out all filthineffe of fiefh and fpirit ( that old lea veri ): beforewe cominunicate, i Cyr: 5.'7. pirft throw the bag- gage into the brook Kidron( the town-ditch) ands, then kill the i?af feover, 2 C'hrott, 30.1+ verfg