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04. A Cornmef,tary Ion the Go.#el Chap.z2 Verle 25. with defre have I defiired] How much more fhouldwe come withprongaffections and 1ulkye appetites to this- holySupper ? It is a vertue here to be an holy glutton , and to drink hearty draughts ;'thatwe may go from the Table, as Chrift fromTordan, full ofthe holy Ghoft. for this end confider what is before thee, as Prov. 23. I. not to rah-cline appetite, but to provoke it. And the rather becaufe Chrift thus earneftly thirfted after our falvation, though heknew it should colt him fodear. See Luk 'J 2.5o. Verle i6. Vntillit be fulfilled] Untill the old Pafreover be a bolifhed, and the New brought in place, by my death and refiir- talon. Verfe 27. e"fliel he, tool`, the'cup] Thecupof the common fup- per, 7ohn 13.2, 3. Verfe 23. eAndthey began to enquire] Therefore the Lordhad not perfectly pointed out the traytour to them ; or ifhe did,they either heardnot, or heeded not. Verfe 24. Therewas altoa flrife] This was fomuch the worfe in them, becaufe immediatly after the Sacrament, and before the Paflîon, whichour Saviour had told them fhould, fall out within two dayes after. Neither was this the firft time that they had thus faulted, and were reproved for it. Verfe 25. The Kings of the Gentiles, &c.] In ftrivingfor prece- dency the Difciples íhew'd themfelves but Gentiles, who ftand upon their birth and priviledges. Joh. Msnhi Exercife Lordship over them] As he did with a witnel% (of loc. com. 636. whom MelanEthon writeth) that wrung mony from his mile- rable fubjeds, by knocking out their teeth, oneby one, till he had what he would. Verfe 28, Tee are they Which have continued; &'c.] Agrippa having fufferedimprifonment for wifhing Caius Emperour, the firft thing Caiuc did after he came to the Empire, was to preferre Agrippa to a Kingdome. He gave him alfo a chaine of gold as heavie as the chaîne of iron that was upon him in prifon. And (hall not Chrift richly rewardall thofe his fuffering fervants ? Verfe 29. And I appoint] Gr. I bequeath as by my laft Will d'azí u°'' and Teftament. See Heb. 9. 17. tenor. Verfe 3o. That yee'may Bate and drinke, &c.] As Mephibo- fheth andChinham at Davids table; which was an high favour. Verfe 31. Simon, Simon] q. d. Mi charifine Simon. Tifcat, Satan