Chap. 22. accarding to S° u KE. Fos Satanhath def :red; &c.] Machallenger defìreth to have one of theother-fide tocombat with, as Goliah,did. Hecannot harm us-without leave. `So he defired tohave rob,and had him. That he mayfiftyou] Cribratione Satane nonperditur, fedpur- gatur frumentum., faith Zanchy. See the Note -on Matthew 3. r2.. Verfe 32. But I haveprayed] So theplait e-r is ready made be- -fore- thewoundbe given: forelfe the patient might perifh,as-thofe do that are flungwith fcorpions,, ifnot ,prefently anointed with oyle offcorpions. That thyfaithfailnot] It is our faith that Satan chiefly affaul- Seneca. tech : He knowes that nihil retina- quifidemperdidit. Strengthen thybrethren] Sohe Mothnotably , inbothhis Epi- fties, dooming Apoftates molt feverely, 2. Pet. 2. Verfe 41. efmnd he was with -drawn] For:privacy fake to;pray, though loth to leave their company,thorough extreame perplexi- ty ; which made him return fo oft to them, calling upon them-to watch withhim. Verfe 42. If thou be Willing] He was fo aftonied with the greatneffeofhis prefent preffures , that he feems fora time to fuf. ferfomehind offorgetfulneffe ofhis office. Verfe 44..4nó being in an agony] M+ì d}z 7177'0 á71¡4(A-, chh fre Tx' rn©- faith a Greek'Father. e,Ilphonfsu is honoured in Hi- narks-for this, that-he abafed himfelf fo far , as tohelp oneof his fubjeasout ofaditch. Shall not thrift muchmore be honoured that helped all hisout of the ditch of damnation ? great drops ofblótsd] Ciotti blond ìffuing throughflefh and skin in great abundance. Oecolampadius tels of a certain poor man, .,. ors e _ who being kept hanging in the trufl'eof the cord ( which is a cer- tain hangingby the hands behind,having a weighty lone fattened A&.31.11 Man. at their feet) the (paceoffixhours, the fweat that dropt from his fo(.3o5. bodyfor very pain and anguifh, was almoft bloud. But here was no (almofl) in our Saviours bloudyfweat; whiles , without any externall violence,meerlyby the forceof hisown faddeft thoughts workinguponhim,fanguinem congelatum 1:44extruferit. Sogreat was Scanderbeg- ardor inbattell , that the bloud burft out of his Buchóïcer. lips. But fromour Champions not lips only,but whole body,burft out a bloudyfweat. Nothis eyes only were fountains oftears, or hisheadwaters , as 7eremy wifhedChap. 9. a. but his whole body wasowned, as it were, into rivers ofbloud : A tweet comfort to