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o& Socrates Theodores. Buchoicer. Zn rpift ad Bafiliuzn. Y<:Cer.2. 71Tim.. A Commentary tspm the &lel Chap.2 as are call down for that, that their furrow for fin isnot fo,. deepand foaking, as they could deliire. Verfe 45. He found themfleeping ] Who fhouldhave waked andwiped offhis fweat (as the Angell did Theodortts the Martyrs) but theyratheradded to itby their fecurity. Vale. 48. Judas, betrayefl thou,. &c.] Sic Judai , fubpratex- tst pietatumaximé delinquebant;; & Deo ofculurn fine amore pre_ bebaut. yulian the Apol}ate was no friend toP41, though he wrote to him olhe- eihw j áAxoos ád'éhom. Nor was Libanius the more tobe beleived,for Paying Bao-msis Kr aau-v- thv Ili :rá viOr -íput. IfRaflcommend me, I defpife other men; worfe cenfures. Verfe 49. Lardíhall reefinite ?] But before he couldanfwer,. 'Peterfmot : which might eafly have colt himhis life.. 9uod du_ bites,ne feceris, is a fàferule.. Verfe: 5'r. Andhe touchedhis eare,&c.] After he had laid them . flat on the'ground. So he tryed thembothwages : butnothing would do. Verfe 53. And thepotter ofdarkZneffe ] The darkplaces of the ea>etharefull ofthehabitations of cruelty, Pfal. 74. 20. Creaturés kept in the dark are Peirce and furious. Had they known, they would neverhave crucified theLordofglory. I did is ignorantly, faithPaul concerning his perfecuting the Saints. Verfe 6r. 4ndloak.edupon Peter] A Broke from guile-broke 7udas his heart into defpair : but a look from Chrift brak 'Peters heart into tearesò CH AP. XXIII.. Verfe 2. Terverting tbe people] 01aspiwra Race Turning them up-fide down , wreathing theme from their right, minds. So Verse 5. He Stirreth up the people. '4 ii s. Gr. _ Hemaketh anearthquake in them; reîlam tollit de cardine men- tern , he throws themoffthehinges. Verfe 8. Hew. u exceeding glad] As if he had got force juglet orinchanter, that wouldPhew him forcepleafant fight.. Verfe q. But hearfiveredhim.nothing] Princes life to correa theundecencies ofEmbaffadours bydenying them audience : as if thence werethe way royall torevenge awrong, Chris fpakenot