Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.2 3. according to St L u K E. IC7 a word to.Herod (iithone)-becaufe Herod had taken away his voice,by beheading the Baptitt, who was vox clamantu. Verfe to. Vehementlyaccufedhim ] Gr. with great intention c17.ópos. offpirit,and contention offpeech. Clamant,ut Stentora vincant.. Verfe i i. Set him at nought] qr. Made no body ofhim. erfrrayedhimin a gorgeous robe] Or a whit robe , as the old Interpreterbath it. Pilates fouldierscladour Saviour in purple, x'v. (a colourmore afeaed by the Romans) Herod in white,as more affe6ted by the Jewish Nobility. Verfe 12.. Pilate and Herod were made friends ] Two dogs that are fighting, can eafily agree to purfue the 1-lare that paffeth by them. ;Martiall brings m the Hare thus complaining ; Inme omnis terraque aviumque, marifque raping of : Forftan & ca li , fi cants ofra tenet. In-littoreSiculo crmlepus vanum venaricorum vim evaliffèt, a Bodin.theat. cane marimo captust it itvsr: Eft enia.voracifma maris bellua,faith Nat. 319. ódin. The wicked caneafily unite againft the Saints, Verfe Pilate .therefore Willing, &e. ] I readofone that did verily think that Pilate was an honett man, becaufe he was fo un- willing tocrucifie Chrifi. But this arofe only fromthe reiraint of naturali confcience againfl fofoul .fa. Verfe ;,25. Himthat for Edition] The Jewesbefore. theywere banifhed.out ofthis:Kingdome, threw bags of poyfon into the Wells and Fountains that the people were to drink of; and fo indeavovred to poyfon them all : fo deale thofe that fowe fediti- on, thefe are the Pelts, thebotches of humane fociety. Verfe 28. weep not for me] We are not fo much to lament dolorous fitfferings (asPapas ufe todo in their hiftrionicall de- fcriptionsofhispafíion) as to lay to heart and lament our (ìnnes the caufe of all. When a Papi(tcame to Matter Hooper at theBake AEt. &Mon. and faid, Sir, I am forry to feeyou thus. Be forry for thy feifman, fol. 1373 ( faidhearty Hooper) and lament thine own wickednefle : for I amwell, Í thankGod , and death to me for Chrills fake is wel- come. Verfe 29. Bleffed are the barren] Better be fo, then bring forth children to the murtherer. Hence Hofeas prayer for bar- renneffe as a bleffing on his people, Hof.9.14. Verfe 31. what fhall be done in the dry 1] Lo little fucklings alfo are here calleddry trees, fear-wood, fach as Gods wrath will foon kindle upon. 0 o o a Verfe ;;.