rob A Commentary upon the GOJ/ el Chap. 23; Verfe 3'3. -which is calledCalvary ] As fad a fight toourSavi.. our, as thebodies ofhis flain wife and childrenwere to Mauritius the Emperour , who was foonafter to be (lain alfo by thecom- mandofthe traytour mhocaa. Let-us learn toconfider the tyran ny andAeformity offin- asoft as we pafle thorough.Chureh- yards, and Charnell-houfes; Verfe 34. Farher,forgive them] See the fweet mercyofChril} rnindfull and carefull ofhis enemies, when the paines ofhell had taken hold ofhim, and they, like fo many breathingdevils,. were tormenting him. pendebat & tamenpeteb'at, faithAuguftine.. He wasifain,by them, andyethe beggedfor them. sf t o oipifev Verfe 35.. Derided him]- Gr. Blewtheir nofet athim. - Verfe 36. Offered himvineger ] In Readofwine, which Kings drink much off; Verfe 38. Greek, Latine , andHebrew] This venerable E- legyand Epitaph, let upon our Saviours Crofi'e ..proclaimed him H King ofall religion, having - reference to the ebrews, ofall wif- dom, to theGreeks, of-all powerto theLatines. . Verfe 39. which werehanged,railed,&c.] Sicplet imura Deo, necfiellimur tamen, (faithSalvian) corripimur , fednoncorrigimur. San.. There aremany, quos malt?, faciliusfregerm , loam ftexeris , faith Buchanan. Monoceras interivnipoteft, capi nonpoteft.. The wicked are the wvorfe- for that they fuffer , and will .fooner:break then bend. Verfe 4o. Rut the other anfirering]"Silent he was forawhile, and therefore -feemed-to confent; till,hearingChrifts prayers and theenemies-outrages, hebrakeout into this brave confeffion, wor- thy to be written in letters ofgold. Verle 42. Lord, remember me 3 By this penitent prayer he made his crofle ofacobs ladder, whereby the Angels defcended to fetchup his-foul. So did Leonard'('rfar burnt at Rappa inBav,,t- fcdt.ernridl, ria, whole laft words were thefe, Lord Jefu fitffer wahine-, tip- port me, give me ftrength lam thrhe,fave me,&c. See the Note on Matt.27.38.. Verle 43. Verely Ifay unto thee] See the infinite love of Chrift to penitentfinners,_ in that when he hung upon the tree, andwas paying dear fot mans-fin , he rejeeaed not this malefaaors petiti- on. Shall he not hear us now that all is paid and finifhed ? To dayJhalt thou beWith rae] This is not every mans happinef e. Apardon is fornetimes given to one upon the gallows : but who