Chap.24. according to Sa Lu x E. 109 fo trufts to that, the rope may be his hire: It is not good to put it upon the PfalmofMiferere, and the neck-verfe (faithonei)'fot fometimes he proves no Clark.. Verfe 47. Certainly this was a' righteotu man ]. Rennet the Martyr in KingHenry the Eighths dales, being brought toexecu- tion, themolt part of the people ( he exhorted them with fuch. A&s & Món. gravity and fobriety) as alfo the Scribe whowrote the fentenceof f01949. condemnation againft him , did pronounce and confefï'e that he.1 Ì'4=3 6. was Gods fervant ,. and a good man. So= when Wifeheart and March,the Martyrs, went.toward the:ftake,.theywere juftifed by, the beholders, as innocent and godly perfons. Verfe 51. Thefame hadnot contented] This proved him tobe a good manand a juft,as Pfal.t.1. Sir john Cheekwas drawn in for fear ofdeath to beprefent at the condemnation of force of the A&s &Moan. Martyrs.Theremorfewhereoffo mightily wrought uponhis heart, 7774. that not longafter he left this mortal! life.:. whofe fall, though it was fullofinfirmity , yet-his riling again by repentance wasgreat, and his end comfortable, faith Mailer Fox. Waited for the kingdom of God ] Gr. Entertained and em- gifietePirct. braced it. Cx A r.. XXIV. Verfe i. Veryearly in-the morning] ABout which time( probably our Saviour rofe.. Verfe 9. Andtold all thefe things] Per os mnlieris morsi ante proceferat, per os mnlieris vita reparatur, faithAmbrofe. So; Chap. T. an Angel oflight communeth with a woman about mans falvation, as an Angel.ofdarkneffe had done,Gen..3. about his fall, and deftrutlion.. Verfe ci.. ells idle tales ] Set on with great earneft- rñEys a PZ neffe. paracula in- Verfe 12. And(loopingdown] Obflipo capite & propenfo collo. to f" if6' We need not doubt thereforeof the certainty of this hiltory of valdedico.. Chrifts refurredion. Verfe 13.. e4hout Threefcore furlongs ] . About. fixe. miles. t . Verfe 14. And they talked together ] So did Elias and. E- /Oa. when the heavenly chariot came to fonder. them. G. o. p Chrift-