A Commentar) upon the Gqel Chap.24, Chrift is í}i11 with :. two or three met for fuch an holy pur- pofe. Verfe 16. Bat their eyes mere held ] Vt ulcus fuum cipuli deteze,ent , ac pha macurn- fufsiperent , faith Thee- That they may tell their own difeafe, and receive healing. Verfe 17. Thatye have one to another] Gr. That ye tof fe one "t con d,,o toanother, as aball is toad betwixt twoor more. paí.iluf¡tant. And are fad ] Chrift loves not to fee his Saints fad: hee queftions them as 7ofeph did his prifoners Wherefore look ye fo fadly to day, gen. 40.7? and as the king did. Nehemiah,. Chap. 2. 2. Verfe 18. And one of them, whole name waa Cleophas ]' They that hold the other of thefe two tohave been Saint Luke, are refuted by the preface he bath fet before the Ads, faith Reza. _ Natat.Comes, Art thou only a iranger,&c.] Tragedies have. noprologues; as comedieshave : becaufe it is fuppofed, that all men take know- ledge ofpublike calamities. Verfe 19. which was a Prophet ] Yea and more then a Pro- phet. But the difciples were wondrous ignorant till the fpirit came down upon them, AEt. z. Verfe 21. But we trotted] q.d. Indeed nowwe cannot tell what órsuv xv, to fay to it. Here their hope hangs the wing extreamly , their wrsóv.Epit et, buckler is muchbattered, andneeds beating out again. Ferendum fperandum, faid the Philoföpher. And good men find it calk to bear evill , then to wait for good, Hebrews zo. 36. Verfe zs. O fooles, &c. ] Thofe in a Lethargy muff have double the quantity of phyfick that others have. Some Tit.I.IZ 13. flow bellies muff be fharply rebuked, that they may.befound in the faith. Verfe 26. Ought not Chrift] Ne 7efum guider"; audias glorio- 7 dp va dH , fum, nifi videris crucifxum, faithLuther in an Epiftle to Melan- vx 4 orSFï Woon. Agentem f°stater oportet aliquid pati , faid a Theban foul- 1 indor, dier, out of Tindarus, to Alexander 4 when hehad received a wound inbattle : For the which fentence , he liberally rewar- ded him. Verfe 27. The things concerning himfelf] Chrift is authour object, matter, and mark ofOld andNew Tellanient :.theBabe of