Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap,24.. according to S° L tr KE. of Bethlehem isbound up , (as I may fay) in thefe fwathing bands : Turnwe the eyes ofour minds to him , as the Cherubins did their faces toward the Mercy-feat. The.Angels do , I `Pet.. 1. I2. Verfe z8. And he made as though he -would, &c.] So did the Angel to Lot, Gen. 19.2. Seethe like, 7o/h..8. 5, 6. 1 king. 3.24:. IfSalomon might make as thoughhe would do an ad that was un- lawfull , we may furelydo the like in things indifferent. Yet this was never done(as is well obferved) but i by thofe that had au -_ thority over others. z For force ungular good to them,. with whom they thus deak. Verfe 29. But they confirained him ] Though they had been {sharply rebuked byhim , whom they know to be no other thena weer ftranger to them. For it is toward evening] Cry we , now if ever, ere it be too late; Ise fpietajam- venit, nobifcumChrif e maneto. Extingui lncemnec patiare tuam. Verfe 3o. Andblefedit.] Its thought they knew him by his ordinary formofgiving thanks before meat: Verfy 32. Did not our hearts burn j By that fpirit.of burning. Efay 4, 4. that kindleththe fire ofGod, Cant. 8. 6. on the harth of hisPeopleshearts, whiles the myfteryofChriftis laidopen un- to them. Egoverb illisu orationfc incendebar, (faithSenarcfano', Senarc. in concerning'Diarius theMartyr) ut cúmeum differentem audirem, user. Spiritusfarrtfi verbame andineexiffimarem. Me thoughts whenI -heard` him, - I heard the Holy Ghoft himfelf fpeaking to me. While he opened] Preaching then is the key of the Scri- pture. Verfe 33. The fame honre ] Late though it were, and they weary, yet they return the fame night , not fparing themfelves to dogood to others. Verfe 39. Beholdmyhands, d -c. ] With thofe (tamps of dif- honour that the Jewesdid me withwicked hands. Thefe he re- tained evenafter his Refurreelion, as for the confirmation of his Apoftles,fo for our inítruaion, not to thinkmuch to fuffer loffe of . honour for our brethrens good andcomfort. Verfe 44. e/fnd in the Pfalmes ] When a book isfet forth , verfesofcommendation, are oft fet afore it. -Chriit by this one. entente III