LI B .fentencehath morehonoured and authorizedthebookofPfalms, ,then all men could have done by their Prefaces and Elo ies re- VD' Hake"' in fixed thereunto. The TurksdifclaimebothTef}aments,yet fwar o a' as folemnly bythe Pfalnis of David, as by the Alchoran ofMa- hornet. Verfe 47. And that repentance, &a] Bleffed be God (faith one) that after our fhip-wrack byedam, there is filch aplank as Repentance fora poor tanner to fwim to heaven upon. It is mourning for fin, as it is ofenfivumDei, averfivun, aDeo. It is comrifJ'aplangere, &plangendanon committere, as Anabrofe bath it : to bewaile what is doneaal iffe, and to do fo.nó'more. Verfe 49. Vntill ye be endued ] Gr. (loathed. Carnali men arenakedmen : when the Saints are arrayedwith that finewhite linnen and fhining, Rev.19.8. Vert So. Asfarre as to Bethany]Wherehis three dear friends T dwelt, Lazarus, Martha, andMary. From hence he went to his croffe, and from hence he would gato his crown; Re lift up hùhands] Asa goodhouthoulder, or ratheras the .high-Preift ofthe New Teftament : benedixit, id eji',"valedizit , he bleffed them,and fo bade themFarewell. Vert 52. withgreatjoy ] Yet could they not hear ofhisaf- _cending to the Father, without great forrow, ohn 14. and 16. We greive for that fometimes that we have great caufe to take com- fortin; filch is our weakneffe and waywardneffe. Vert 53, Trayfing andble f ngcod] Inter laudum devotiane.R, promi ffúmSpiritusfaneliadventum , promptis per omnia paratirque cordibtes ex e&ant. Soputting themfelves into afit poftureto re- ceive the omfortcr that Chrift had promifedthem. 41111.1111111.19 4 Commentary repon the GoJbel,&c, Chap.24p Bcda. Deo f 'oli gloria.