y Chap. r. Y A COMMENTARY EXPOSITION Vpon the Gofpel according to Saint I o H N. CHAP. I. V E R s. r. In the beginning.] /SP _ Ere this heavenly Eagle, john the Divine, foars at firff out offight : Here dothGod, detonare ab alto, thunder from on high, faith Calvin. St efluftin ffands amazed at the myffîcall Divinity here delivered. This Barbarian (faid the Philofopher, concern- ing our Evangeliff) hath comprifed more ffupendious ffuffè in three lines, then we have done in all ourvol uninous difcourfes. Happy had it been for him, if he had been made, by this firff Cha- pter, ofan Atheiff, a trueChriffian, as learned Icaniu- was : But he onlyadmired it, and fo left it where he found it; as toomany doe the Word at this day. Was the word.] Perfonall, and Enunciative. Ifàiah faw him on the Throne, and heard him (peaking; Daniel callethhimPal- P anoni ó Otiò?,o?spv_c:a'. Awl. Plato- nic ap. Clew. tllex. lun. in vjt4 operib, prcfix. Ifi.6 a. Dan.8, ;.