Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

y ACommentary upon theGo(pel Chap.r., moni barnmedab6er, that excellent Ffieaker, and askethhim ofthe Viuion, the Syriack Interpreter here calleth him Melaka,` the word toured ; and the Chaldee, 7'ithgan veIdonai, The Lord, the Word. svvaialov 11xd the Ward *Ai With God] Which fweetly fits forth 'his n t }- co-eternity and co-exifrency with the Father, faith Chryfäfone or Mofcopulus renders it, 'Poundal"; Dear's, as being the exprefle I- mageofthe Father. Others,adDeurrs ; as importing a deliberation andconference of the Father and the Son. selne4Pedag. And ;he.Word War God] es4 without an article : Hence the cbrif. P.Z. ar Arrians cavill, that the Son is not God co- equall, but a fecóndary ßaf 5 °' Pod, inferiour to the Father. But Çal, i.3 *The Father is alto L-P-L:1,97711tcalled ©s&c without an article; therefore this follows not. This Eafeb., d, ' whole Gof el `a continuated monftrationofChrifts Deity which Hyer n. p yr Fpnc ohai began to bedenied, while this Evangelift lived,by Ebion, erinthue,, ues uitum and other odious Antichrifts, iltui matit. Verfe 2. The fame was in the'begirrninj ] In the inflant ofCrea- cen2 Evange- tion,as Gen. t.i, therefore alfo before the Creation,therefore from i uì át u eternity, he . t i Pet.1.7o. Prov.822,2 ' TheLord o e .ed]er l' , P .Ì 4 3 P IÌIi per, an tot. me (faithChrift, the elientiall WifedomofGodthere) in the 6e. Proix5nnfish,. finning ofhis way. 4rriuscorrupted the Greek text,reading it thus; plait ëxnn. The Lord created mein the beginning &c. and therehence blafphe- b VnEta furs in moufly inferred, that Chrift was no more thenacreature. But he reánam ¢ do- fit sip b or» everla to from the beginning, orever theearthweal, tainarrácemo, P g Ito tetiti.e verf z ;.Hence he is called the ancient ofdayei,Dan.7.9. AndTha- pat... sí., let,oneofthe feven Sages ofGrcece,ftilethhim,Tke !soft ancient of ePeoNljmays anything that bath being. TT; vovdwrLa* With Cod ] Being alisu from hisFather, notdiud; a diftinet e, txi vár. perfon,yet co-eflentialland co-eternal! ; forhe was withhim in the beginning of the creature Which Cod created, as himfelf fpeaketh, Marks i . i 9. Verfe 3. .911 things were made by hivram.]. So, he was not idle with the Father ( though he were his darting, .forting always befret hire, Prov.8.3o.) but by him, as by a principal! efficient and co-agent with t r,andthe holyGhoft,all thingsweremade ; as forne.fhádow and obfcure reprefentationof his Wifedom, Pow er,Coodneffe,e5 -c. feen in the Creature, as the Sun isfeen in water, or as letters refra&èd in a pair of fpe lades arebeheldby adimme Exad.3 .: ; eye. Wecanfee but Godsback-parts,. and live; we need fee no more,that wemay live. And .