Chap. i. according to S' Jo H N. AndWithout himWas nothingmade.] This is added for the more certainty : it being ufuall with the Hebrews, thusbynegation to confirmwhat they have before affirmed, where they would afli,re, that the thing is fo indeed ; as Pfal 92.15.7oh.7.18. Verle 4. In him was lifi.] As he created, fo, he quickneth and conlerveth all, being the Prince and principle of life, ATh 3.15. ri De ¡a bothofnaturall life, 4Th 17.28. (The Heathen couldfay as much) nbii, a itanee andoffpirituall, i loh.5.12. Hence his members are called heirs ealefcinaue iL'o, ofthe grace of life, 1 Pet.3.7. and all others are laid tobe dead in trefpaffes andfins, Ephef.a.i. livingcarcaffes, walkingfepulchersof themfelves.In moll families (as in Egypt, Exod.r 2.4o.) ;here is not one,but many dead corpfes, as beingalienatedjam the lift of God, EphcC. 4. s. through the ignorance that is in them,. Verfe 5. And the light (hineth, 3, The light both ofnature, and of Scripture. The former is but aldim half- light, a rufli candle, that will light a man but intoutter dárkneflè. The later is a clear thorow-light : The Commandement is a lamp, d lex, lux, and theLaw is light, `Prov.6.23. As for the Golpel, it is fet up as a Beaconon an hill, Tit. 2.11, or as the Sun in the firmament, Luke i rK. 1.78,79. bringing lift and immortality to light, aTini. 1. lo. Where God by his holy Spirit illightneth, Organ, and objeá, AFir 26. 18. and fhineth on the heart, in the face of Jefus Chril}, 2 Cor.4.6. eílnd the darkZneffe comprehendeth it not.] Nor will be com- prehended by it, Phil, 3.12, but repels it, rebels againfi it, 7o6 21. 13. imprifons it, as thofe wizards did, Rom.i.18. fpurns at it ( as Balaam the devils fpelman did, Numb,24.1,2. when he let his face toward the wilderneflè, and refolved to curie howfoever;) ex- Herodat. ecrates it as the.Ethiopians doe the riling Sun. The morning is to Job '4. fuch as the fhadow ofdeath ; for, being born in hell, they feek no other Heaven. Verfe 6. There leas a man (ent frond ved.] As he ran not, till feet, ?er.23.3 2. (St Paulholds it not only for incredible, but for impoflìble,that men fbouldpreach that are not lent, Rorn,io,i5. A47 t()- Sohe declined xot his Embaflage,as did f onaa ; who was therefore met with byanother meflenger of God, and feat into the Whales belly,to make his Sermon for Neneveh; and in his prayer before,to acknowledge out offad experience, that they that hunt after lying Jon.3.3. 'vanities (as he had done) irfal e their own mercies. Verle 7. The fine carne fvr 4 WitnefJe. ] This he performed B z with