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.411111A.111 q ACommentary ctport the Glel Chap. r. 3ï.. sî,epb.. witha witneffe,verbii nonPlumdiRrtre,fell & exertis, He witneffe d plainly, and plentifully, with à clear and punduall pronunciation, profeflion,indigitation,ver. 26, 29,; 2, 36. That all men through Him might belreve,] Our Saviour expe- ded,that ten fhpuld have come as far tohear his fore- runner and him, as the QueenofSheba came to hear Solomon, Matth.i 2.4z. But the one thing neceffary lyes ( alas) neglec&ed. Men will run to hell as fait as they can : and ifGod-cannot catch them ( faith one) they care not, they will not come to Chrifi-, thattheymight five, loh.5.go, Verle 8. He Was not that light.] As force finifterly conceited, which therefore occafioned churl-loft neceffary digreflron, vale 6, to.Io, and drew afterwards, from the Baptifthimfelf, that molt vehement profeflion, verge 2o$He confifled and denied not, but canfefled; c, He knew well the danger of detracting in theleaft degree fromGodsglory. To. look upon it only,and lift after it,is to commit fpirituall fornication with it in our hearts -; for it is Gods beloved Spoufe,and hebeing jealous,cannot bear a corrivall. Look upon it therefore,but with atingle eye, Matth.6, 22. and in all ad- dreffes to God, give the honour to him; take humility to thy fel as flar.iin well advifeth ;let that be thy motto that was his, Proper toil)omine,propterte. StudyGods ends,and wemay have any thing ofhim,as Mofes,Exod.3 2. Verfe 9. Which lighteth every man &c.] Or, that coining into theWorlddightethevery man. All, with the light ofreàfon, 1o635. rt. his own, with a fipernall and fifpernaturalllight, (To know heavenly things,is toaJcend into Heaven,Prov.3o.3,4.) anaffecting, transforming light, 2 Cor.3,Y.8. !i ch_as maketh a man tobe a chi/de oflight, Ephef.5.8. parta(;crnf the inheritance ofthe Saiati ire light, oof ,z.' Verle ro. He was in the Wand] Here the Evangeldi goes on where he--left; refuunes, and proceeds in his former. argument, verT 5. Ind the. WorldWaif made by.hirn,] This is the fecond time-here fet forth, and re-inforced, thatwemay the better obferve and, im- prove it.See the like, Rev4, t t. For thou haft createdall things,and -and by thee, shayare,andWere created, without help,tool,or tirefom- neffe,*.4o.2 8. That one wordof his,fiat, made all : fhallwe.not admire his Architecture ?- And the world i`neww.him not.] Man .ís -here called theworld, and minimmoorroirrill