Chap./. according te StJo H N. andMark.i 6,15, he is called every Creature. This little World knew not Chrifi, for God had hid him under the Carpenters Son ; his glory was inward, his Kingdome camenot by obtervation, And becaufe the world knewnot him, therefore it knoweth not us, r ?ohn 3.1. Princes, the Saints,are inall Lands, Pfal.45. t 6. but they lye obfcured, as did Melchifedech. The Moon ( fay Affronomers) hath at all times as much light as in the full ; but oft, a great part of thebright fide is turned to heaven, and a leffer part to theearth. So it is with theChurch. Verle i t. He came unto his own, ] His peculiar pickt people; as touching the eletlion, belovedfir the Fathers fake ( Ownneffe makes love) though the more he loved, the leff"ehe Was beloved. This may be thebat mans cafe, z Car,i 2, is. Learn we todeferve well of the moll undeterving. God (bins upon the unthankful) alfò, Luk,6.3 5. Chrifl came to the ffif fe-necked, anduncircumcì- /ed in heart and ears, A&7.51. Hiscomfort was ( and may be ours) Though Ifrael be not gathered, yet I1^rallbe glorious, &C. Ifa.49.5. eilyd his own received himnot.] Nay, they peremptorily and pstinacioufly denied theholy One, and the 7uft ;anddeftred a mtsr- tberer to begiven unto them. For the which their inexpiable guilt, A[ts 3 1 , they are, as it werecall out of the worldby a common content of Nations,being a disjeeted and defpifed people. Howbeit, we long, and look daily for their converfion, their refttrrecîion, as Saint Paul calleth it, And Atogultine argueth out of the words, Ab6a., Roam. his, Father ; that there (hall one day be a confent of jewes and Gen- tiles, in the worfhip of one true God. There are that fayout of Mr Hunt. Daniel MIL i. That this will fall out, Anno Dom. 165o. Mr cage. Fiat, Fiat, Verfe 12. To them he gave power,] Or, priviledge, prefer- merit, prerogative royall, heavenly honour, as Nonnus here ren- â°vínv 71-44, `dereth it, and fitly. For iffans, then heirs, ,Eem.8.1y. Hence that Non. Ecce admirantis, 1 john 3.1. and that Who am I ? 2 Sam.7.18. with 14. Kings can make their firft born onely heirs, as lehojha- phat, z Chron.z1.3. But here all are heirs of God, and co-heirs with Chri/t. Even to them that beleeve in his name.] Though with ne- ver fo weak a faith, fuck as may teem to be rather unbelief, then faith, Marke 9. z4. The lealt bud drawes tap from the Root, as well as the greatelt Branch. The weaker B 3 hand 1111111I-