Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

AComsaaentiiry,upon the Go el Chap: c. hand may receive a ring.. Credo languidal fide,, fed tames fide-, Laid Dr Crucifier on hisdeath bed. Aweak faith is a joynt pofl'el setaecrer. pc. four, though no faithcan be a joynt purchafer of this precious pri- daó. ca, t¡c, viled,,e here specified. Verfe 13. But of God,] Whore fons therefore they are, and ' fo higher then the Kings of the earth, Pfal 89,27. as thofe that prolong the daies of Chrift upon earth, being begotten by the tra- Atis c0` veil o#' his (u1,,11. Hence faith is laid to adopt us, Horrt. t verf.12. in like fort as it juflifies us, viz. by vertue of its object, Chrill. Hence, Pfal.7a 17. there is faid to be a fucceflion of Fitiabitur no- Chrif}s name; it is begotten,as one generation isbegottenof-an- rnin2 e. other. [his is true nobility, where God is the topof the Kin,Re- Trem ligion the root. Verfe 14. And theWord IVcu made f ejñ, ] Put himfelf intoa tilat;and. lowfie leprous fuit of ours, to expiate our pride and robbery, in- reaching after the Deity, and to heal usofour fpirituall leprofie; for dai,ixtva7ov ei9çeyiv10 if he had not affumed our flab, he had not Paved us. Verfe s 5. john cried, faying, ] He entred upon his calling in the year of Jubilee, which was wont to be publifhed by the voice R'll°`' in t0C' of aCrier,with the found of aTrumpet. And hitherto allude the Prophets and Evangelifts,that fay hecried, and call him, the voice. ofet Crier, &C. Verfe 16. ofhi fir llnefje, ] Which is both re/derive, and dif fu- U, Prelim dance ; not onlyof plenty, but of bounty : not a fulneff'e of abun_ only, but of redundance too. In Chriflians. is _ple>situdo vats ; but in Chriíl, Fantis : thefe dif cr ( fay the Schoolmen ) tat ignis, & ignita. Take a drop from theOcean, and it is fo much the lade; but the fulneffeof the fire is filch, that light.athoufaud torches at it, it is not diminiflyd. end grace for grace, ] That is ( fay fume) the grace of the new Tel-lament, for the.grace of the old. And fo in thenext verf, Beta Grace fhall anfwer to the morali Law, Truth to the Ceremoniall. U ",,¡ion. Or (as others,) Gracefir grace ; that is, a latitudeaniwerabie to all the Commandments, a perfection anfi,verable to Chrifis own perfeftion. As the father gives his childe limme for limme, part for part, ei-c> fo cloth this Father of Eternity (Ifa.9.6. ) There G ati' i n°vei are that render it, Graceagain.ftgrace, as in aglafle is face agai»ff raf3, ,u4;01.,,,_ face; See 2. Car.3.18. Or Grace upon: grace; that is, one,ace 1421 Pats, after another., a daily inmate ofgraces. Verfe