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Chap.i. accoYilin,g to Sr Jo tt N. 7 Verfe 17. For the Lam,&c.] Le a ju6et, gratis Petat- >Psastat'det, good ut babeamos jtt6et, faith Atifogin. Wehave his Aug in Exor promifeever goingalong withhis precept. The Covenant ofgrace, q'xfl turns precepts intopromifes, and the spirit ofgrace,turnsboth in- to prayers: Verfe 18. Theonly begottenSon;] In the year ofGrace, r 5 20. .ea!ted t bT0,4, Ofichael Serverru a Spaniard, taught, that there is no reall gene- rationor difliñclion in God ; and was therefore worthily burnt at Geneva,in the year 1555. He would not recant ; and yet feeling Relearn lib s._ the fire, could not with patience endure it, but kept anhideous de cbrillo.c s. roaring,till his life was exhaufled ; crying out to the beholders, to cçtvi; opuf4 difpatchhimwitha fword. Be bath declaredhim,] In a divine and extraordinary manner, as the wordhere ufed imports. Lre Fez. Verfe 19. lees few Priefs. ] Whole proper office it was to Anrot. major. enquire into new Doctrines, and by preferving, to prefent know- 73angt Vies gtai. ledge to the people, who were to feek the Law at the Priefírs dem tires,jed motuh,. Mal.z.7. Cicero complains of his Roman Priefls5 that eerie cr, they were good honefl men, but not very skilful!, And Varro up- Z de Finib.Vi, braids them with their ignoranceof much, about their owngods ves in Aug. de and religions. cio.V i.4 c s. Verfe 2e. he confrffed and denied not, drat confeffed] Sincerely and ftudionfly ; he put away that honour withboth hands earneft- ly,as knowing the danger ofwronging the jealous God in his glory, that is ashis wife. All the fat was tobe facrificed to God. Verfe 21. 4rt thou Elias? And he faith, I amnot.] foil. That Elias that you imagine; e1ias theTheflire, by a tranfanimation. uar(./ef.r eh. As neither was he an Angel, as force in Chryfofiomes time would Pytk,gotua. gather out ofMalach.3. i. They that wref4 the Scriptures, are blin- ded ; as Papiffs,and other brainfickhereticks. Verfe 23. 1 am the voice ofonecrying] Chrifl fpake not a word to Herod,laithone; becaufe Herodhad takenaway this voiceofhis, in beheading the Baptift. 1n thewilderneffe.] Not in the Temple ; toPhew that the legali fhadows were now to vanifh. (hry(ologtós calls John Baptifts, fibu- lam legs &gratia. Verfe 25. why baptize# thou then?] Why dolt thou innovate any thing in the rites ofReligion ? A change they looked for under the Me liah, and had learned it out of1er.3 t. But this teflimony brought by Iohn Baptifl out ofIfaiah, to prove his owncalling; B 4 either