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A Commentaryupon the Go(liel Chap. t. either they did not, or would not underftand ; noryet do they feek tobe better informedby him. Verfe 27. Iam not Worthy,]yet Chriit held himworthy to lay his hand upon his head in Saptifine. And there isone that tellsus ( but who told him?) that forhis humility on earth,he is preferred to that place in heaven, from whichproud Lucifer fell. Verfe 28. InBetbabara, ] That is, by interpretation, the place of paffage, or7 rajet1um, where Ifrael paffed over Jordan. So the alts of Iowa and lefus beginboth at aplace. Bapti (me alto is firft adminiftred, where it was ofold fore- fhadowed. Chrift. is the true Bethabara, Ephef.2.i8. we fail to Heaven on his bottom. Verfe 29. Taketh away,] Or, that is takingaway, by a perpea- a`f w "' tuall ad, as theSun doth thine, as the Spring doch run, Zech.t 3,1. IfaSS- 7. This fhould be as a perpetuall pitture in our hearts. As we multiply ' fins, hemultiplieth pardons. Verfe3i And I knew hisn not,] By face not stall ; left the people fhould think,that this was done and faid byconfent,or com_ part afore-hand betwixt them. Nor did lohn ever knowChrift fo fully, till now : his former knowledge was but ignorance, in comparifon ; none are togood to learn. The veryAngels knownot x.Pec.c. a z. fo much of Chrift, but they would know more, 6phef.3. ao. and therefore look intently into the myfterie of Chrift, as theCheru- bims did into the Arke. But that hefhouldbe manififted,] Minifters muff hold up the tápeftry, as it were, and Thewmen Chrift. They are the mouth of the holy Ghoft;whole office it is to takeof Chrilts excellencies,and hold them out to the world,John i 6.14. Verfe 37. And they f (lowed lefts t, ] So powerful' is a word or two ( many times) touching Chrift and his croffe,to change the i,il.c c heart. Paul theweth, that thevery report ofhis bonds, dida great u &moo. dial of good in Ca,irsCourt. Bilney.s confetlion converted La-. imer,Galeacius Caraccioluc(that Italian MVlarquef1.)was wrought uponby a fimilitudeufedby Peter Marryr,readingon the i.Epift. to the Corinthians. So were EarleM.artinengsu,andHieronimue 2aach, ,tipiftet, Zanchius (both of them Canonici Lateranenfes) by knme feafo- pifi adLant. nable truth, failing from the fame mouth. Luther having heard &rau.P3 >4 Stanpiriusfay, that that is kinde repentance,' which begins from the lovecif i od; ever after that time, the praciceof repentance was iwee;er to him. Alfo this fpeech of his; took well with Lrs:hher