Cfiap.I. according to St JO H N. 9 Luther, The dollrine of Predetination, begins at the woondt of IvlAch. Adam. 114,:12i14 Lu h. Verfe41. He fir.ft findeth ] Yet afterwards Peter out-ftript Andrew in faith, and torwardneffe for Chrift ; as likewife Lather did Staupiciut, &c. So the fiat become lafl, and the fait firff. But charity it no charle, Andrew calleth Simon, and Philip .Na- thaneel, &c. as a Load-Hone drawes to it fclf one iron ring, and that another, and that a third, So, &c. We havefund the McJae, ] Little it was that he could fay of Chrilts perfon, office, value, verrue, &T. but brings him to Chrift. So let us doours to the publike ordinances. Do the officeof the fer- mon-bell atleaft, we know not what God may there do for them. Bring them as they did the pallie-manupon his bed, and lay them before the Lord for healing. Verfe43. Follow me,] Together with Chrifis word, there went out apower. His words areoperative and eifcacious. This `Porphyrie the Atheifl,and Julian theApoftaceunderft000d not;and therefore lighting upon this and the like places of the Gofpel, they blafphemoufly affirmed, that either the Evangelilis were lyars, or the Apoftles fooles; that withone wordonly of our Saviour,would be drawn to follow him. So the Papifts blafpheme affurance,which they havenot, as ifit bred fècurity and loofnefe. They may afwell fay, the fea burns, or fire cooks. Verfe44. Now Philip toad ofBethfida, ] So was Andrew and Mark.9,y. Peter, who would not be wanting to preach to this Town, and pray for ir. But all in vain : whence that Woe to diet Beth /àida, Matth.I1.21. Chrift would not luffer fo much as the blinde man . he had cured togo thither, Mark9. Verfe 45. PhilipfindetbNathaneel, ] Whom force make tobe the fame withBartholomew. I affirm nothing. We have found, ] The Greek word imporcs,the fudden and. un- expected finding of inch a commodity as he looked not for. See r _upn ,u rucrGrn ffa 65.1. i ,f ersru/n, r:5". Verfe 46. Can there any good, &c.] When men take a toy in 'epe.rre ahlkr theirheads againft a place or_perfon, they are ready to reafon in this manner. Good Nathaneel was in the common errour,as was like. wife Philip, in the former verfe, with his Jefus of Nacaretb, rhe. Son of Fourwords only,and'carce ever .a trueone. Epi . demicall difèafes ate loon caught, Verfe 41. Behold an lfraelite. &c.1 Here Christ wondered; at- his