Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

to Commentary Ion dieGild shisownwork ofRenovation, as 'wonderful], doubtleffe,,a s that of Creation. Or the upright perfonhath here an ecce for imitation, as the hypocrite,for detetlation, Pfal.52.7; Verfe48. Refire that 7' Chrifithinks ofus, when we little think ofhim. See Rom.S, ¡o. Verfe 52. Vpon the .Sonneofman.] The 7acobiLadder,the.b ridge that joyneth Heaven and earth together,as Gregory hath it. Chap.z. Mendicato pa. ne hic vivaaaue, annen hoc poi. chréfarcitur,in eo quod pa%i. mur pane 6u.m angetút (5'c. Luther. Job404. J.ro4. CHAP.Ih Verte I. There lad a !Marriage, / (JhHether it fo Stîohn.r.marriage, I have not to fay: Some wit] ave . Verfe 2. ?elm Vaal called.] That was the way tohave all fandi- fed, z Trm.4.3. and diforders prevented. Cave, .s ct?tat Caro, was the old watch-word. Verfe 3. Ind When they wanted Wine,] Wine then may be wanting, though Chrift be at the Wedding : yea bread, though Chrift be at the Board. But the hidden Manna is ever ready ; and anon in our Fathers houfe will be bread enough, and wine, Gods plenty. What though'we beg our breadhere, heaven will make tip all : and it is but winking, and we are there prefently, faid that Martyr. The Mother of ferue faith untohim,] ToPhew her authority be- likeoverhim. Howfoever,fhe was toohafty with him,and is taken upfor halting. It is not for us to fet the Sun by our dyall. Verfe4. What have I to doe with thee?&c.] Is it fit toprefcribe to the only wife God ? to fend for the Kingby a Poft ? The Chiner whip their gods,ifthey comenot at acall. Verfe 5. Hid VI/tetherfaithto thefervant;,] Not a word to her 'Son,thoughhehad publikely reproved her. Once !have .ifiokrn,but ! mama anfwer faith Iob. Jonah, reprehendedby God,fhutsuphis Prophecie infilence, in tokenof his true repentance. Davidwas dumb, becaufe it was Gods doing, Pfal.39.9. Bring God into the heart,and all will be hufht. Verfe 6. After the manner ofthe purifying &c.] But who requi- red there things at their hands? Men are apt toover-doe in exter- nals. The devil firove to bring this fuperfiition into the Chriftian Church, by the heretick Ebion, and hula done it by the `Pfetado- Catho-