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Chap..x. according to Sr Jo x N.. I I Cat lh io cks,with their luftrall-water, and fprinklingoffepulchers: for the rife whereof, Baronies refers us not to the Jews, but to Baron. A.mal. gm/mils fixth Satyre.. Containinj two or three. firkins]. For oftentation fake. Super- itition,is pompous and ambitious. Verle 7. Zip to the brim.] Godpermits his people an honeft af- Nimi,um ad fuence. Chritt fupplies them here with great ¡tore ofwine, to the Libras mitts oiin entas : quantity of a thoufand and eight hundred pounds, as Betacorn- e¡uo erricer putes it : No fmall gifts fall from fogreat a hand,?am. I,5 ad nairacuu Verle 8, The Governour of the feafl.] The Jews had a fort of rn,gniturlinem. officersat their feafts,called pr efeüi mornm,Ow.orrai, o'.91auoi, the G udentius. Eyes and Overfeers of the feat}, that took care that none fhould GataubOn. drink toomuch. The Latines called themDidatours ; the Greeks, Pl'au;us Sympofiarchs: Howbeit, among the Greeks, thofe officers power extended no further, then to fee, that at feafls orbanquets, men, drank fmall draughts onlyat firft, which bydegrees they increafed, HeY1.Géng. till. they came to their height of intemperancy : At which point, xicpergræ. when they were arrived, theykept no rule,nor order : whereas he- cari: and,as fore,to drinkout of ones turn, orbeyond his allowance, was count- merry as a ed incivility. Greek Verfe 9. The Water that Wat madeWine.] . Doth not Chrift dai- ly turn water into wine ; when ofwater falling upon theVine,and concoctedby the heat ofthe Sun, he produceth the grape, whence wine is expreffed ? His love ( that is better then thine, Cant. turned'brown.bread and water into Manchet andwine,to theMar- tyrs in prifon. Verfe jo.. Every man at the beginning,]. Ingenittm hominum adumbrat, natera fallax fcpbif}icum. Sic Satan nos ad f alli- cere folet, Pantherie in moreno : Chrif u-s contra: His work is. wont at fiat ; the bellis behinde.: the fweeteft of honey lies in the bottom. Verfe i r. This beginning, -c.] For as for his miraculous dif- putation with the Doc`tours,and fattingfourty daies; thefe were -ra-- ther miracles wrought upon Chritt, then by him. He workshis firft miracle for confirmation ofGod the Fathers fittt ordinance. His Difciples beleeved on him.] So they did before, but now more. So I loh.5.13. The Apoftle writes to them that beleeved on the name e f the Sonne of God , that they might beleeve on the name of the Sonne ofClod : i. e. that they might be confirmed; con- tinued, and increafed in it:: Taith is not like lonahs Gourd, that grew.