12 ACommentary upon theGol?el Chap. 2. grew up in a night ; or like a bullet in a mould, that is made in a motnent,&c. But as the foundof the trumpet grew louder and louder; and as they went up to So/omens throne, by Reps and !lairs; fo men proceed from faith to faith, till theycome to full afliirance. Verfe 12. 7. Capernaum ] Where he had hired him an hhofe; Maail. 8. for Foxe' bad hole" &c. but the Son of man had not a hhofeofhis own to put his head in. Verfe 14. Andfund in the Temple.] The Talmudifls tell us, that it was grown to a cuflome to fet up tables in the Temple, and money-changers at them ; that thofe that ought to offer halfa fbekel, might have thofe at hand that might change their bigger money, or take topledge what elfe theybrought. Here alfo they might buy oxen, (beep, doves for facrifice, which the covetous Priefls oft received,and then fold them again toothers. Plerig owner Sitting,] The Jews at this day being great Ufurers, and thorow fæaéarrnrtan, muchGtting,and not llirring about,are thought to ftinke, fo as they exercentes,ideò are faid to doe : Sedentary lives,are fubje& to difeafes, fetenr. Verfe 15. AndWhen he hadmade a fcourge,] Herehe put forth a beam of his Deity; whiles, as another Samp(èn, he layes heaps upon heaps (yet without bloudlbed) with the jaw-boneofan affe. Bcr. Armor' Zeal is attended Non b y revers C 1 t. e a or. lY 7o g 7 ° plenamperfe the chan g er' mone 1] Gr; Small money, Kti 4lß aue9 'Ti s.E e,v, taanr4 reforma in.minutafrufe'a concidere. rionem Ente- Verfe 16. And [aid to the Dovefellers,] Thefe (belike, as fixX.96. Rol- more traIable, andnot fogrofïe offenders) he deals more gently loe, in loc. with,but bids thembe packing. I expednot ( faithReverend Rol- E Ne æ, lac) a plenary and perfect reformation ofthe Church, after fòhot - h rible an a ollacie under Antichrift, till Chrifl comeagain to ud e scotrcanæ,præ P , j g - vilegiii ram, ment. And yet that Church ofScotland is laid to have thisrare .pre mums, priviledge above many others; that fince the Reformation there euodfine febif wrought, they have,without herefie, or fo much as fchifine, retained uare, nedum unit r with urit of dotrine. b.erefi, unita- }' p y rem cum purr- e 1n kettleofmerchandife.] So he calls ir, for all their goodlypre- tale dotlrinæ texts ofgood intentions. So the Church-warden of ip/xoieh was rettnuerit.Sic .much trounced and troubled in the High-commiflion, for writing in 'log prefa overthe place where the fpirituall Court was kept, t44y houle!ball tor: de confe f be called an honfe ofprayer, beet ye have made it eo den of theeve., inprincip. sÿn- tag.Confeß p Novem.6. t 63 5. 6. edit Genei. Verfe 17. The zeal of thine boufe.] Apoflates, on the other fide,