Chap2. according to St Jo H N. 13 fide, eat up their zeal ofGodshoule. But as in falling forward is nothing fomuch danger, as backward .; So thezealot, thoughnot fodifcreet, is better then the Apoftate : Howbeit, zeal lhoald eat b1, vines. us up ( faithone,) but not eat upour wifdom,ncr fhouldpride eat up our zeal. Verfe 18. what fine, ]_ They might have feen figue enough, in his fopowerfull ejeecing of chofe money-merchants. But Church- Reformations are commonly thus diverfly entertained. The Dif- ciplescall it zeal, the Jews, rafhnefle. Verfe 19. D efiroy this Temple,] This was the fame in effe , Ron:J.4. with that figueof the Prophet yonao, Matth. r 2.39 40. His refur- re&ionwas aplain demonarauonof his Deity. Superas evadere ad auras, hic labor, hoc opus eft, befitting a God. Verfe 2o. Fourty andfix years,] All,tàve what lacks;for it was fix years work only, but they reckon the interimofinterruption, Ezra 3. to the 7th, to aggravate the matter. So they are not onely blinded, but hardned. Verfe at. The temple of his body,] Wherein the God-head dwelt bodily, Colof 29. that is, perjnatly, as he dwelt in the ma- teriali Temple, facramentally, and doth dwell in the hearts of his Heb,9.a people, fpiritually. This Tabernacleof Chrifts body, was not made With hands, not built by the power of nature. Verfe 22. His Difciples remembred, ] I n the mean time they murmurednot, much lefreoppofed. We can do nothing againfi the truth ; when at worft, but fir the truth, 2. Cor 13.8. They laid up what they underftood not and as the water calts up her dead, fo did their memories, that which teemeddead therein,by the help ofthe holy Ghoft. Verfe 23. Many beleeved] Fides fait minim fida, quippe hiflorica, exmiraculu nata. Thefè thought they had laid hold on Chrift : but they did but as children, thar thinkthey catch the Iha, dowon the wall. Ther's a great deal of this falfe faith abroad. ['he forcerers teemed to do as muchas Mofes. Verfe 24 Didnot commit himfelfunto them] Whoyet would needs obtrude upon him.. NJne are fo impudent as hypocrites.; they deceive themfelves, they would do others ; God too. I read not ( faithone) in Scriptureof an hypocrites converfion; and what wonder ? for whereas, after fin, converfion isleft as a means to cure all other (inners ; what means to recover him, who hathcon- verted converfionit Pelfinto fin ? Verle