Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

T4 ÁConnot etitary upon the Golpe! Chap. 3. Nihil eerie ac r.entbA mala rntrmum ; adeo üt per multos meatus arque rervos an. fraEtua de¡erri elaborati eibi eebeant, ante- quam ea punt perduti. Lemn us de complex.lsb.r. p.zG. Verfe 25. For he knew what *as in nean, ] Artificers know the nature and properties of their works ; and (hall not Chrilt of the heart ? Hefearcheth menshearts,and cryeth the reins, whichof all their inwards are the moil inward : betides, that they are the feats and fprings of all our thoughts andTufts. Deau intimior nobu timonoftro,faith one,God is neerer to us,then we are to our (elves, and knows our thoughts long before; as a Gardiner knows what flowers he (hall have at Ipring, becaufe he knows the roots. CHAp.III. Verfe I. l rider oft}je7errrs, ] EIther a chieftain of the Pharifees, as he was, L.uf<,a4 a. Or one of the Sanhedrin,grte of the feventy Seniours, whole learn- ing hung in their light, a Cor.2.8. Yet was neither learned Na- thaneel, nor Nicodemeu a Malter of Ifrael excluded from Chrilts Nefi fotos hm- difcipline ( faith yowl. deTrarrecremata ; ) left if he hadadmitted pieces tiocafft, fimple men only, it might have been thought they were deceived credi poffit quod through their fimplicity. fuiffênr ex fire. Verfe 2. weknow ] But will not know. Hence they became ptleitate deco prc. 'inners againft the holyGhoff, Matth, a2. a 3. &c. The devil that o v qurf commits this'inne every day, is full of objetive knowledge, and adFcmv.l'lato. thence bathhis name. Noman can do there miracles ] Thofe juglers of Egypt, 7an- a u ¡ur di nes and 7ambres, did but cart a mitt, and beguile the fight of Ploa- præ¡tiedir im raoh, and his followers. How Tindall hindred the jugler of po¡turæ, man Antwerp, that he could not do his feats, fee Alts and Monuments, trf+rata, lode. fo1.985. bria. Bucholc. Verle 3. Except a man be born again, ] Efupernis, Erafm. " Excepta man be firft un-made (asSt Peter expounds our Saviour) Ta s ápaQrcus up again and new-made m except the whole frame of the old con- .1 anytivopsroi a Pct a $4 verfation be diflolved, and a better erecîed, ther's no heaven to be Pet. r,3. had.Heaven is too hot to hold unregenerate perfons ; no fuch dirty dog ever trampled on that golden pavement, it is an undefiled in- heritance. Verfe 4, How can a man, &c.] He underftands nomore ofthe doftrineofRegeneration ( though hecould not but have often read ofit inEzekiel elfewhere)then a common cowherd doth th' dark- eft precepts of Aftronomy, a Cor.2,14. All this is gibbri.h to him.