Chap.3. according to Sc J o n N. him.- Water ariieth no higher then thefpring whenceit came; fo the naturali man can afcend no higher then nature. Verle 5. Be born of Water, and the holy Ghof ] That is, of the holyGhoft working like water, cooling, cleanfng,n c. In allufion, belike, to that firft wafhing of anew-born babe from his blond, Fzek,16.4. Or cite ro thole Levitical) wafhings, and not without Tome reference to Nicodemu4, and his fellow-Pharifees, who pla- ced a great part of their piety in external) wafhings, as do alto the Mahometans at this day. Every time they cafe nature ( faith one Blunts voyage that had been amongft them) they wafh tholeparts, little regard- intoLevant. ing who ftandsby. if adog chance to touch their hands,they wafh P'g s oo prefently ; before prayer theywafh both face and hands,fomecimes the head and privities, &c. Verfe 6. That Which is bornof the fiVh, &c.] Whole man is inevill, and whole evil in man. Ouinrilian faw not this; and therefore laid, that it is more marvel) that oneman 6nneth, then that all men should live honeftly ; fin is fo much againft mans na- ture. Many allo of themolt dangerous opinions of Popery(as jufti- ficationby works, {late ofperfe tion,merit,fupererogarion,e c. ) fpring from hence; that they have Night conceits of concupitence, as a condition of nature. Yet force of them (as Michael Bainspro- fèffour at Lovain,' &c. ) are found in this point. btfracuta a,T. Verfe 7. (-Marvell not, &c ] viz. Through unbelief; for o- du t to viler. thetwife it is a juif wonder, far beyound that of naturali birth ; cunt. which, but that it is fo ordinary, would lately feema miracle. Verle 8. The Winde blocreth, &c. ] Libero 6 vago impetu. . Watch therefore thegales ofgrace: we cannot purcliafe this winde ( as Saylers in Norway are laid to do) for any mony. This Hawke, when flowen, will noteafily be brcu;ht tohand again.. Verfe9. How can there things he ? ] Chrift had told him that the manner of the Spirits working is incocnprehenf ble, and yet he Iy is at ir, How can theft things be ? Sed fcribo hec fruffra ( faith Lath. a;a i Luther in a certain letter of his to Mdanctbon ) quia to fecttn_ su ref 4a- n4,ib, dam pbilofophiam vet ram, has res ratione regere, hoc e(1, ut illo * ait, cum rationein'nirepergis. Verfe t o, tfrt thou a maser, &c.] ThePharifees ani Philo- ''fophers, for their learning, are called, P rincer of this World, t Cor. 2.8. Andyet, had they known, they Would never have crucified the Lord ofGlory, ïradoili rapiunt calum, &c. Thep. 11. are gof- pelliz,ed; not only receive it, but are changed by,it. But Bellnr- mine