16 A Commentary upon theGofliel Chap.z. M.atth i ;. ç. minecannot finde in all the Bible,where remifiion of fin is promi- Prom%Lro de re fed to fuch as confef e their fins toGod. r,ait:endis pecea Verfe II. re receivenot our Witneffe, ]Our Saviour joyns him- +:: eis qu.e cog- felf with the Prophets ( whofe writings Nicodemtu had read fo ' non negligently and takes it fer a dishonour, that he thould have writ- viderur Oaex ) tare in divini+ ten for men the great things ofhis Law,and they continue ftrangers :irerú: B<ll de thereto, H%'$.12. zu¡1t.1 I.c at Verfe I a. IfIhave toldyou earthly things, ] That is, fpirituall things,under earthly grofle fimilitudes, ofwinde, water, &c. In the myftery of Chrift, the bell of us are acute obtt.i. But for the natárall man, that cannot tell the natureofthe winde,or enter into the depthofthe flower, or the grade, &c. how should he poflibly have the wit to enter into the deep things of God, eLpecially if darkly delivered? Verle 13. And no man bath afcended, &c.] 06je5. There- came é7' CO! . fore all but Chrift are Phut out ofheaven. Sol. The Church and 1tu alas ch i- Jefus, makebut one Chrift, I Cor.12.12. He counts not himfelf full without his members, whoare called the fslneffeof him that f lleth all, Ephef.l. ult. Verfe 14. And as Mofes lifted up the ferpent,] There it was, vide & vive : here,crede t' vive. And as there,he chat beheld the Selneccer. in ferpent, though but with a weak fquint -eye, yea, but with half prdtg. cbreJl.; au eye, was cured. So here, if we look upon Chrift with the eye, pad 3:L. though but of a weak faith we !hall be faved. Doftour Cruciger when he lay a dying,cryed cut,Credo languid 'a (defied ttzmenfide. I.beleeve with a weak faith, but with a faith,fuch asit is. Verle i5. That chofoever beleeveth, ] Faith is the foulshand, Luther. (fides mendica manua,faith one)foot,whereby wecome to Chrift, Jab, 6.1 ;,36. mouth (htc credere of edere, faith Autine) wing,whereby we toar up, and fetchChrift into the heart. Verle 16. God ¡ loved the World,] This is afir without a(scut, there being nothing in nature wherewith to paraílell it.The wotld, that is,all mankinde fallen in Adam. This the Apottle fitly calleth .gods Philanthropy, Tit. 3.4. it being a Tweet favour to the whole kinds: of us, that any are laved by Chrift. judg.9. Verfe 17. Not to condemn the world, ] Unleffe it beby acci- 4! Paris ut dent, became they will not be faved ; theywill not have heaven vivet regne' upon Chrifls rearms, they will not part with their fat and tweet bearer eogi (Wirth the Vine in yothams parable) nonot for a Kingdom : They pop negat. Elar epeg r. will not be conftrained tolive happily, raign eternally. Verfe rur