Chap.3. according to S'' JO H N. 17 Verfe i 8. Iscondemned already jThefentence is paffed,the hal- ter about his neck ; there wants no more then to turn him off the ladder of life, and he is gone for ever. In the mean while, hehangs but by one rotten twined thread, over hell-fire. Becaufebe hatb not beleeved ]He faith not,becaufe hehath corn- mitted adultery, murther. There is no righteoufneflenow but of . faith ; no fin ( faith one) but from unbelief ; for thy fins againfl >(x) rt? § the Law are not imputed unto thee, if thou debut b::leeve the Go. rely lz . fpel. It is unbelief that (huts a man updoleprifoner in the Laws Gal 3.23 dark dungeon, whence faith onlycan fetchus out. Verfe 19. This is condemnation] This is hell aboveground,and aforehand. AWee ed ignorance is the leprofie in the-head, which makes a man undoubtedly unclean, and utterly tobe excluded, Levit.t3 44. Verfe 20. Forevery one that Bothevil ] As the Ethiopians a. e Herodar. faid to curie the Sun for its bright and hot fhining. Chrift carne a light into the world ; his Gofpel hash- appearedas a Beacon on a hmpdrn. hill, or as the Sun in heaven ; his Saints fhine as lamps, &c. Now Tit.; i z. whenmen hate thefe, as theeves do a torch in the night, and flye a- gainfl the lights as Bats do, this is condemnation. Verfe 21. But he that dotb truth] Tenebrionti PapilVe mali fibi conrcii,e/Eternúmatri,& tetri nto.&habentor;qui non tam Rex Plato. cure, gleam corde eiE thiopici,Solem quómagic luceat,eomaQis exe- crentur.But our hearts (as our clymate) have more light then heat. Sir Philip Sidney ufed to fay of Chaucer, that he wondred how in thofe mifty times he could fee fo cleerly ; andhowwe in thefe z Cor.i 38. clearer times goon fo ftumblingly. If any be ignorant, let him be ignorant, faith Paul. And to much any one knows, as he doesof Cor.531. Gods will, as the Apoftie intimates, when he tels us, that Chrif knew nofin, that is, he did none. Wrought in God] Right. i. Ouoad fintem, a pure heart. 2. ,Qieoad f nem,the glory of God. Elie they are but fplendida pec- cata, fins in a filken fuit. Verfe 22. And baptized] Where ever we are we muft be do- Matim n2ihi ing. I f Mofes may not do juitice in Egypt, hewill do it in Midian, analè e/fe quäaa Erod.2.14:17. I had rather be tick, laid Seneca, thenout of em- rnolliter.Sen. ployment. Verfe 23. Andfohn a4 Was baptizing] Here Minifters may learnnot ro be wanting to their duties, though God flirreupothers about them of greaterparts, and better fucce(%, to obfcure them. C Verbi