x8 ACommentary upon the Goffel Chap. ;. D. Ward (ohm tibi in prejat, 6rc. de Oral adBrut d rdetur betz- nia appet!atio magnum baáere mootextu r, 4?'c. Equidern plurù fecerim juflam rommendatia- taem, o'c, John.ea verbi mini.fter es, hocage, was Mr Perkins his Motto. Summum calmen ajfeitantes, j tas honeft vel in fecundofaftigio con#icie_ mar, faith Columella. And, Prima fequentem, bonaium eft infe- cundis, tertiifveconfiflere, faith Cicero. Every man cannot excel!, nor is it expeaed.. Verfe 24. raft intoprißn ] The Primitive Iilifhops Were found more frequently in priIons, then Palaces. Bocarda became a Colledge of 6uondams, as the Marian Martyrs merrily called it. If Petronites could tell Carr, that hehad rather be with Cato in the Prifon-houfe, then withhim in the Senate-houtè : why the=ild it grieve any to fuffer bonds with,and for ChriQ ? Chryßftome had rather be Paula prifoner of Jeff's Chriff, then Paul rapt up into the third Heaven. Homil, in Ephef. 3.I. Verfe 25. And the yews] Who joyned themfelves to 7ohni Difciples, craftily,and malicioufly,that they might both fet againff Chrift. Like as the Jéfuites at this day,will cunningly comply with the Lutherans, and feetn to fade with them, that they may bothfet againfi the Calvin:ffs. eflbout purifying] That is, Baptifine; called elfewhere, the Laver ofregeneration, Tit.4.5. and by a Father, A> ;In2icazu.9á4- Irxor a purging prefervative. .Not the puttingaway of the filthof the flefb, faith Peter, but a better thing, r Pet.3.3I. Verfe 26. Rabbi, be that Was with thee] They envied for Iohnr fake, as lofhua did for Mofes, and with as little thank. John would have been glad they hadgoneafter Chrift, as Andtew did. Howfoever,it was good.news to lohn,that Jefus was fó frequented andbuffed. Verfe 27. A man can receive nothing] There is much in this word [Man ] as Reza thinks, to fet forth the molt miferable in- digency of all mankindebynature.The Greeks,when they fet forth one miferable indeed, they call him Teiatív0 4 rov, thrice a man. Verfe 28. re dour 'elver bear me Witneffe ] I fhould rather chufe the juff commendationof one good man ( fàith Rolloc upon this Text) then the foolifli admiration ofa whole multitude. De- metrius hath good report of the truth it felf; that's enough for Verfe 29. The friendof the bridegroom] Such is every faithful! Minifter, x, Cor. t1.2. whofe officeis to wooe for Chrift, andnot ( as Tome) to (peak one word for him, and two for himfelf This is foul-play. Verfe té