Chap.3. according to S, Jo H N. 19 Verfe 3o. He muff increAfe, but, &c.] And this was LANs great joy. That man hath true light, that can becontent to be outfhined by others ; andnothing will more try a mans grace,then queflions ofemulation. Ez.ekiel can commend Daniel his Con- temporary, matching himwith Noah, and lob, for his power in prayer. And Peter highly praifeth Paul: Epi[lles, though he had been publikely reproved by him at Antioch. Yea,Plato called .A- ri¡l'otle aiPayvóonP & vásv the intelligent Reader. And eílrifotie isiaid tohave let up an Altar in honour of 'Plato, with this infcri- ptivn. Nittafirent mienstech;fitting virurrt,. But Luther (hewed himfelf tomuch ditcontent at the Reforma- tion wrought at Wittenberg in his abfence, byCaroloiadius, be- caufe it was done without him, that he doubted not ro approve thofe things, that till thenhe had difapproved, and to difapprove what before he had approved of. So hard it is for a man willingly, and gladly to tee his equals lifted over his head in worth, and opi- nion. Self-love makes men unreatonable, and ever teachech them to turn theglaffe, to fee themfelves bigger, others leffer then they are, ec. Verte 31. He that comet!), &c. ] Hitherto Chrift bath been compared with John : In the reif of the Chapter, he flands com- pared ; Era, with all men. Secondly, with the faithful', and infi- nicely preferred before them all. He is the chief of ten thoufánd -; or the Standard-bearer, which everare the goodliefl. Jr earthy] Terra efi, fo Augufiine renders it in the fame fenfe, as he is. f efb, verfe.6. God will (mite this earth With the rodofhie mouth, Ita. t t.6. Speaketh of the earth] As Ducklings have alwaies their bills in the inud,as Swine areever rooting in the mire. Verte 33. Hath ¡et to hit fed, &c.] HathgivenGod a tefli- moniall, Inch as is that, Deut.3 2.4. After which,God alto lets his teal ( quafi in redhoflimentum) to the beleever, Ephef, 1.13. Verte 34. Speaketh the wordsof God]This the true beleever is convinced of ; and therefore fers to his Peal, as to an undoubted truth. He is fully perfwaded, as Saint Luke was. Verfe 35. The Father loveth the Son] Therefore faith may have firm footing. God bath laid help upon one that is mighty, Pfal, 89, 19. that our faith and hope may be in God, i Pet-.1.2t. Verlè36. Hath eternal' life ] i. In promifo. 2. In pretio. C z 3. In Etek.14.1 4. a Pet ;. Gara. Hier Waif is Herrnie lib, Cum Lurberu+ ex qua eremo it/ittenbergain redii,Tet, (7 c. Alfted.C.hrou. pig.sLG.,