s:Q ACommentary upon the Gofiel Q'', Za:Ç(x aa+H9clx. C",ha,p.4. 3. Inprimitii.$. He Rands alreadyon the Battlements of heaven, lie hathone foot in the porch of Paradi{e. He that beleeveth not ] There is a two-fold un- belief, one in the underttanding, and is oppofed to faith : the other in the will and lives, and is oppofed to obedience. For cure of both, Godhath promifed to write his Laws, both in the minder ofhis people,and in their hearts too. The wrath of God abides upon him] ¡1-évri, as in its manfion- place, as upon its bafis, tunquam trabali clavo fixa, faithone; there it nettles, fettles, and never will away. The unbeleever can neither avoid it, nor abide it. Broog,hroro on lialir.n, prxfnte Ghri/to effe in inferno, qua:ns ahfenre el in cælo, Luth. in r:en.c.; o; C'ien,¢íC.r9s, aL$7§,:077Z[9G7G',, Froportianarè ad m: f riam, I. ó(nderere. 1-114`).1.a. Icb:s3.;. Psn>1án is a8á. CBAP. III I. Verle a. Baptizedmore Difciples BAptizing was ufed by the Jews, before yohn, ór Chrift tookit up; from which cuftome, though brought inwithout Com- mandment, our Saviour authorizeth a teal of entring into his Reft; ufing the Jews weakneífe, as anallurement thither. Verle 2. ye firs hirnfelf baptiz:dnot] A Tweet comfort, that Chrift is laid to baptize thole whom the Difciples baptized. The Sacraments adminifired by Minders are no leffe effe tuall, then if wehad received the fame from Chriftsown hands. Verle 3. He left ludan] Godmia be matted, not tempted. Verle 4. He mutt needs go] Happy for them, that they lay in our Saviours way,to be lookt upon ; his feet drop fatneffe. Luther had rather be withChrift in hell, then in heaven without him. Verte 5. yacob gave to his fan ¡ofeph ] Having firft wone it with hisfroord and his bow ; that is, with his prayer and fupplica- tion ( faith the Chaldee paraphraft : ) which as Sauls :word, and donathàns bow, never returnempty, 2 Sam.1. 2 2. Vcrfe 6. Iefus theref re being Wearied] And in that he himfelf had fuFered, he was the more able and apt to help this poor Sama- ritefle So ilie..Apoftle bids us pity ehofe in adverfity, as being our fèlves in the body,. i.e. in the body of 1lefh and frailty, fubje t to like mirery..He that hath:had the tooth- ake,will pity thofè that have it Non iviaramalo, , &c. We are orphansall ( laid QueenEliza- beth, in her fptech to the childrenofChrifts Holpitall ) let me en, joy your prayers, nadye t11411 be lureof mine afliftance, Vtrfe