Chap./. according to Sr J o H N. 21 Verfe7. AWoman of Samaria] A poorTankerdbearer, fuch as Feftur cals Canalicolat, quód circa canalem f r% confthierent, Berman, de because they weremuch about the Conduits. Ortginib. Verfe S. Aske. ft drink_ of we ? ] The Samaritans knew that they were flighted of the Jews, and took it ill, Gens bac ( faith ' Giraldu Cambrenfas,of the Irish )ficut & natio quaviebardara, guanquant honorem nefciant, henorari tamenfupra modxm affe. Slant. No man would be flighted, howmean foever. For the fears beve no dealings, &c.] fofephtu writeth, that at Samaria was a Sanduary opened by Sanballat, for all Renegado cap 7.8. Jews, &c. The Jews therefore hated the pretence, the fire, the fa- ihibn, the books ofaSamaritan. Neither was there any hatred loft on the Samaritans part; for ifhe had but touched'a Jew, he would have thrown himfelf into the next water, clothes and all ; both of Eptpban. them equally lickof a noli vne tangere. Verte io. The gift of God ] That is, Chrift himfelf, called by e'vamola.- Sr Tani, the ben-fit, i Tim.6.z. Let him not be to us as fethers (word tohim, whichh; drewnot, ufed not ; but as Goliahs f word toDavid, none to that; Norie'but Chrift, nonebut Chrift,faid that Martyr. Verfe i i. Sir, thou ha/ no Bucket ] See howwitty we are na- turally,withour armeddilemma's,to rrjeft graceoflred,and with bothhands as it were, to thruft away from us eternall life, a/fils câT0uOc172-e, 1 3.46. Verfe i z. Our father facob ] fofephus tels us, that thefe Sa- maritans, whiles the Jews prospered, would needs be their dear Coufens; but when they were in adverfity ( asunder Antiochue ) they would utterly dif own, and dit-avow them. They wrot to Antiochtur, becaufe he tormented the Jews, to excufe themfelves as none Inch ; and they riled Antioch/44, The mighty God, Oh ba rentife 1 Verfe 13. Shall thirfl again] So (hall all they, quibtu av:sri- tia aut ambitionis falgtgo bibulam animam pofdf.t.He that feeks to latisfie. his lulls, goesabout anendieflè bufineffe. Give, give, is the Hóifl eches language. The worldling bath enough to finke him, not tofatisfie him. Verfe 14. Shall never thirft ] leis lips water not after homely provision, that hath lately taftedo£delicate fuftenance. Clitorioquicun firim defnte levaret, Ovid 1 fetaa.or, Vinafiig%t, gaudet abftemitrs undis, ttb. a g. C 3 Verfe