22 ti2TEQeKAeó... vd63. 1Tim..rg. Sphinx i hilof. Scu'te!, An. 17u1.118. !Per 3. tCor.iq, x4 ACommentary upon the GoEbel Chap. 4 Verte 15. Sir, give me this hater ] We would all have immor- tality, but here on earth. Some think the jeers our Saviour here ; who therefore in the next words arowfeth her confcience. Verfe 16. Go call thy hufband ] It was a great favour in Chrift to receive that finfull woman, that washed his feet with her tears, and wiped them withher hair, and not to kick her out ofhis pre- fence, as the Pharifees expefted. How ,muchgreater is this, to fetch in an idolatrous harlotry that fled from him, to entertain her that had reje ed hicn ? &c. Well might St Paulfay, that the grace of our Lord, is exceeding abundant, or doch abound to flowing over, as the fea eafily over-floweth mole-hits. Verfe 17. I haveno hufband]Lucretius ait,cluafdam mulieres e f ftegere uniur viri torum, ut omniumfiant torus. Iefuita etiamAnt Connubi f nctiifisga, clammeretricitega, Verle 18. Newborn thounowhoft, &c. J Here he comes home to herconfcience; fo mutt all that will do good on it, trivingnot . fo much to pleafe,as toprofic.Bees are killed withhoney,but quick- ned with vineger. TheEagle,though íhe loveher young ones dearly, yet theprickethand beateth them out of the nett ; fomuff Preach- ers drive men out of the net} ofpleafure. John Speifer, preacher at Aufnorough in Germany, did his work fo well at firff, that the common i±rumpets left the Brothel- houfes ( then tolerated ) and betook themfelves to a better courfe, Anno 15:3. Yet afterwards he revolted to the Papit}s, and miferably perifhed. Verfe 19. Sir, I perceive that thou arta Prophet ] To the hid man of the heart, the plain long ever makes the beef mufick. The Corinthian idiot, convinced of all, and having the fecrets ofhis hear eript up by the two -edged fword, fair dozen upon his face, worJhipping God, and reporteth that God is in the Minifte, s ofa truth. Verfe zo. Ourfathers, &c. ]No fonner loth the acknowledge him a Prophet, but the Peeks to be fatisfied in a cafeofconfcience. Froh, reperem noffrum l Wo to our dulnefle. Verle 21. Tefbbsell noïther in this mountain, &c. ] Herods tem- ple at lerurflem was fo let on fire by Titus his fouidiers, that it could not be quenched by theinduffryof man. And at the fame time Apollos temple at Delphi was utterly overthrown by earth- quakes, and thunderbolts.; and neither ofthem could ever finte be repaired. The concurrence of which twomiracles ( faith mine Authour )