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Chap.4. according to. St J o H N. Authour) evidently fheweth,that the time was then corne when God wouldput anend both to JewifhCeremonies,and heathnifh Idolatry :that the Kingdome ofhis Son might be the better eí.ta- bliíhed. Verfe 22. Weknow What We WorJhip] Chrift alfo, as man, wor- fhìppeth, being le ffe then himfelfe as God : Clint is worlhipped by Angels, asGod, being greater then himfelfe as man. Verse 23. TheFather feeketh litchi Oh how should this fire up our hearts to fpirituall worthìp ! that God leeks for fuch,with, Let melee thy face, hear thy voice, C¢c. He folliciteth fuitours. Vote 24 God isa Spirit ] Omnes nominis Iehovee litera pint .£1irituales, set denotetur Deum efJe fpirituen. Though, to fpeak properly, Gad is not" a fpirit. For firít, fpirit liignifies breath,wh ich indeed is abody ; but becaufe it is the ñneft body, the molt fubtile, and molt invificle ; therefore immateriali fubitances, which we are not able to conceive, ate reprefented unto us under this name. Secondly, God is above all notion, all name. Apr; dicunt Dean ignotum Amon. i. e. Hens tes, dais es? One being asked what God is ; anfwered, Si fcirem, Deus efem. Infpirit andtruth] As oppofed to formality and hypocrifc. Verfe as. I know that Mefas, &c, ] As who fhould fay, we are not altogether fo ignorant as you would make us , verf. 23. A dead woman mutt have four men to carry her out as the Proverbe is: we are apt to thinkour piny goodfilver. Verfe 26. I,that fpeakunto tbee,&c.] No fooner do we think ofChrilt with any the leaf} true deliire after him, but he is prefent- ly with us. He invited himfelf toZacheus his table, &c. Tantam vells, &Deua tibipraoccurret, Paid a Father . Verfe 27. That he talked With the Woman] So/um cum fola. Hemight do that we mutt beware of, left concupifcencè kindle. Ahrahammay fee Sodome'burning, Lot may not. Yet no manfail] All ill thoughts, and [Miller farmifes , of fit- periours efpecíally, are tobe prefently frppreffd, and ftrangied in the birth. Vert: 3g. Left her Water-pot] Shehad now greater things in hand, better things toTooke after. As Alexander, hearing of the riches of he Indies, divided his Kingdom amonghis Capiarns. Verfe 29. Comefet a man, &c.] Weak means may, by Gods bleflì.ng,workgreat matters. Hecan make the words of Naamans fervants greater woperation, then the words ofgreat Elifha, and C4 by 23 Godes: Antiq, Heb. Nut. lib de Ihd &Olïtide. Bcza.