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a4 AComnsentFry upon the GoJ el Chap.4 by a poor captive girl bring him to the Prophet. Verfe 3o. Then they Went out.] More to fee the news, then elfe: as Alofes his curiofity led him nearer the bulb, where-hence he was called, It is good to come to the Ordinance, though but for novelty : abfence is without hope.What a deal loft Thomas by be- ing out of the way but once' Vale 3 t. /Water, eat.] Azimuth. cu)tiff vita in figs eft, and muff be repaired by nutrition, in a naturali courfc. O sly,we mutt eat to live, and not live toeat only, as belly-gods. Verle 32. "have meat toeat, &c.] Abrahams fervant would not eat, till he had difpatcht his errand, Gen,2q. 3 3,When we are to wooe for Chrift,we should forget our own interefts and occafi- Cof. 3. 3 ons,,9z,grite primum, &c. Verfe 33. Rathanyman brought,&c. ] Arc nor there yet car. nail, and talk as men ? How dull and thick brain'd arc thebelt, till God rent thevail, and illighten both organand ob j :et ? Verle 34. Mymeat is to doe the Will,] lob preferred it be- :S. 21. is. fore his neceff"ary rod,, that that fhould keep him. alive. So did Chrif},when ddappotnted cfa break-faft at the barren fig-tree,and at.E r, t 7.33. coming hungry into the City, he went not into a vi ualling- houfe,,but into the Temple,wherehe taught the people moltpart ofthat day. Vòrfe 35. Say ye not, there are yet three months.] As who- Should fay, ye fa long for the time, that ye count how many months, weeks,daies it is to harveft:Should ye not bemuch more follicitous offilch an heavenly harvest ? There Samaritans doe but bang for mowing, ds&c. Vet fc 36. That he thatftveth,& c. ]That is, that both the. Pro. phets that%ared, and the .ApAles that reaped, &c. for the people were prepared by the writingsof theProphetsto be wrought upon by the Apoftles. The Samaritans alfo had theBible, agreeing for molt part, with that we have from the Jews.Thecopy ofthis Sa- maritanB was firft brought fromDamafcue into Chriltendom by onePetrau de Valle,ein. Dom, 1626. Vert 3 7. That ¡ying true, &c.] Camerarius. recites the Sena- . ry at large. Poa.oa cUV U7rfi ss, ii4,ot dl IXL erfz4Innficu Verfe 3 8. Other men. have laboured] Laboured even to Lf- tude,as the wordfigni& s. The Miniftery is not then an eafie trade, an idle mans occupation- Luther was wont to fay, Sudor.Oe- . conomicus