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Chap.4. according to St J o i v. a 5 ronomicua eft magnus, Politictte major, Bcclefiaf#icue maximass; 7 he houfholder bath famewhat to do,theMagiftrate more,but the Miniflcr moft of all. Verfe 39. For thefling ofthe Woman.] An unlikely means to effecìfogreatamatter. But what's that to the Almighty? So luniue proffl'th,that the very first thing that turned him from A- theifine,.was conference with a Countrey nian ofhis, not far from Florence. The next was, theMajefty of the Scriptures, which he ebferved in loh. T. So, for our fore- fathers in timesof Popery, Aé . aadMon. Mr Fox-obferveth, that by the reading of Chaucersbookes,fome lot'i67 were brought to the lino wledgcofthe truth. And, in that rarity ofbookes, and want of teachers, this one thing I greatly marvel at (faith he) to note in the regifters, and confider how the wordof God did multiply foexceedingly, as it did amongft them. For T find that one neighbour reforting to,and conferring with another, tb``17 5'a. eftfoons, with afewwords of their firftor fecond talk,did win and turne their mìndcs to that, wherein they defired to per fwade them, tcuching the truth of Gods word and Sacrrments. Verfe 40. Were cone unto him.] We no focner beleeve, but we would fain fee, and be brought afpe aaffreciem. Verfe 45. Becdufe ofhieown Word.] This is it alone that is the foundation o4 faith, and converts the tvul, Pfal.r 91. That ofgood wiveswinning their husbands,' Pet.3. t .is meant by wayofpre. paration only ingenerall.And that cf winning a foul by privatead- monition. lam. 5. ult. is meant ofperfwading them to Ernegood duty, orto receivz frame truth, or to forfake fom: one evil or errour. Verfe 42. Not 6ecanfe of thy fayin'. ]Properly, becanfe ofthy oil rñvors; prittle.pratrle. Sop -rhaps it faemed to loneof them at fir[f, who t xAfav, ^rópter beleeved indeed wh°-n they heard him. Plato gives a rood rule, t°quacitatrn: Confider not fo much s as 7)011-o faith, as What is Paid. Pre'rdi,.ate team. I opinion barsup the un icrflanding :muddy water in a vef elc]uf- ()if ùr eaiflenr profihetatient: eth the belt liquor to run over. Verfe 43. After twodaieshe departed,] Though never fir much made of, we moft away, when there is ()mailing elfewhere to be done for God. Verfe 44. le;to hintf if tcfified.] Had teftified, when he was cat} out at Nazareth: therefore he came no more there. A Mini= tier that candoe no goodon't in theplace where he lives,is bound to remove, though the fault be not inhirra,but thepeople, faith an Inter-