Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

26 ACommentary upon the Go(pel Chap.+. I nterpeter here ; otherwife ( if for felf- refpcectshe there abide) Metuenlum ff it is tobé feared that he will lofe his gifts, and either fall into er- ne ' .' quo/ rours and here!ìes, or rove but adull and dry Dotour. acceFer s ,a:rút- p Y tas vet degene. Verfe 45. The Cfalileans received him.] Though thole of tee in erro,ee, Nazareth would nc,t, others did. He that is lent and gifted by vet b:cre[et, God, flail haveone whereor other to exercife his gif,s, as the En- vet fi retii,eas glib exiles at Geneva Zesrich & Zanchius puritatera do when he could not armn.e, evadàs ref at s irgentina, was received at Clavenna, tamer frigmdus Having feen alt the things he did, &c.] Chrifs miracles were àrtdco do as the Sermon-bell, that called them together. Thefe the men of fear. Roilec, in Nazareth allo had feen, but with prejudice, and therefore to no La uh..Mice1, profit. za dedMm' Ve, fe 46, e4 certain Noble-man.] One that belonged to the BavAlí!Jt King : for fo the vulgar flatteringly filed ',Herod the Tetrach. Few A ttoyaliii. Noble-mencame toChrif : this,not till he was driven to him, by his fans fickn:f1e : Not many Noble are called : ifany, they are as 1 Cor. s. 20. black Swans,and thinly fcatterect in the firmament ofaState, even s like Stars ofthe firf magnitude. Verfe. 47. Befught him that heWould, &c.] Even Darius King cfTerfia, can giveorder for prayers to be made at ?eruflem, for the IKing,r lifeandhisfens (ezra.6. io.) when he had feen divers ofhis children die before hire, as Ctefias relateth. Verfe 48. Except ye feeftgnes, &c.] Our Saviour HI chides him, and uponhis wel-bearing of that, accommodates him. He Caw theCourtiers unbelief more dangerous to his foul,then the-dif- cafe could be to his Ionsbody. Veda q9. Sir, come down.] He fumes not at reproof (as many Eieb. I3. greatones would have done, 'rave monte!, & firmiAabunt) but . f jers the Wordof exhortation, being fubdued thereunto by aflli- ction, V<erfe 5o. Thy fanneliveth.] Is in very good health ; for non eft Á ?artiál. vivere,¡dvalere vita : So, God is better to us eft-times, then our prayers, then cur hopes. V .rfe5i, Thyfonne liveth.] So the forme was reftored by his fathers is a benefit to beborne of good parents. Perfonall gcodnefle is profitable to pofterity. Verfe 5 2. Then enquiredhe, 8z:.°,] By a fweet providence, that God might be thfe more glori tied, :and the mans faith confirmed. Allthingt comperate. &c. Rons.8.a8.So,atthefametime,where- in the States ofGcarmany, (after long debate)- concluded for the truth