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Chaps. according to St Jo H N. truthof the Gofpel. Luther carne Leaping out of his clof.t where he had beenpraying ( though many miles di`lant) with vicimus, vicimus in his mouth. So Mufae-Borough field was .donne by the :, t end 'Imn englifh,the felt -famepay and hour,wherein thofc Salaams- blocks f,,_66;i. , (idolatrous imares)were burnt at London,by orderof parliament, Verle 5 3. Andhe himfclf belecved] With a j - afti fyng faith, in- troduced at firil by a common faith. CHAp. V. Verle t. A%as`l ofthe7ews.] FTHis was the feet of Pentecofr, Others fay, the P,ffeover which came but once a year. The true Chriflìans (foe whom the true Palleover was facrifced, t Cor. S, g.) keep a i continuall feafi, or holy. day, with the unleavened bread ofunceri- ti °QTá,wçv. tieand truth, ver,8, Diogenes could fay, That a good man keeps , -4,,,, holy-daies, and bath gaudies all the year about, Exod, g, t, Let Eogzr my people goe, that they may hold a feafl unto me, In other reef- Laei . fages it is, that they mayfrveme. Verfe 2. Having five porches,] Built, belike, by fame well-a - c4edperlons, at the motionofGods Minifters, for theufe of Inch impotent folk,as here lay Iooking and lan uilhing at Hopes Hofpi- tall : Like as King Edward the 6, was moved by a Sermon ofBi- K Eznxnard 6. fhopRidley!, touching worksof charity, togrant his twoHoules t v}m. pYa 69 in London, Bridewell and the Savoy, for finch like good'ufes ; to- &c, gether with landsand monies, for their maintenances Verfe 3. Ofimpotentfolk,] That had tried all other wales, and coati not otherwifebe cured, Omnipotenti medico, nullau infna- 1J1 tint occurric mordrar, Verfe 4. For an Angel Went down, ].The miracle oft is pool was granted to the Jews, partly to llrengthen them in the true warllbip of God under the perfecution of Antioch*s, in the fail of prophecie:partly to retain them in their religiouscowl: of facrifi- cing to the trueGod,againfl the fco'fsafthcRamans(that were now their Lords.) Such a venue being given to that water, wherein their Sacrifices were wont to be walbed. See a nmore'foveraign bath then this.Zech.I 3.1.anever- flowing,and over- flowing foun tain,not for one at onceias here,htit for all that come, tloeÿ may walla and be clean, vvalb and be whole.. As,