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A Commentary upon theGoJlied Chap.5. eft a certainfeafon, ]Once a year only, faith Tertullia,,, Others suet quotas- (moreprobably) at all their great feafts, when the people met UM. Tcr.i, out of all parts at /era/derv, taking kg7,i diflributively, as. Matth,17. 15. Troubledthe Water ] Not in a vifible fhape, likely; but as it ap- peared,by a vifible troubling ofthe waters,and a miraculous heal- ing of thedifeafed. But that troubled waters,fhuuld doe cures,was thegreater wonder 6ith holy-wells (as they call them) and wa- ters that heal, arc commonly moft calm and clear. It wasa witty allufion hereuntoofhim that laid, Angels trouble theclear area") of Jutiice at certain times. Verfe 5. Thirty andeight years.] A long while tobe in mifery : but what is this to eternityofextremity ? We needlaave force.. thing to mind us of God, to bring us to Chrifi. King .'livered pray'dGod alwaies to fend him force fickneff., whereby hisbody might be tamed, and he the better difpofed andaffeetionedsto God-ward. Lam. ;. Verfe 6. And knew:hat he had been, &c.] Chrifts eye aftdied his heart, he could not but fÿmpathize, and fuccour this peor creeple, out of his meer Philanthropy, which moved) him fhll to thewmercy according to the mcafureofour mifery, whereofhe bears a part, Heb. 5. 2. Vetfe 7. I have no man,&c.] He looked that Chrift fhould have done him that good office; and could not thinkofany other way of cure. How eafie is it with us to meafure God by cur modell,to call him into our mold, to think we muff ne-:ds go our way to work? Verfe 8. Rife, tak. up thy bed, &c . ] A fervile work upon the Sabbath-day. This our Saviour here commends, not as a fervile work, but for confirmation of the truth ofa miracle,greatly tend- ing toGods glory :like as another time, he bad themgive meat to the Damofell he had raifd, not for any neflieey, but to enfure thecure. Verfe 9. And immediatly the man.] Chrills wordsare opera.- Vei dreere, eft Li eszr e. ve (together with his commands there goes forth a power, as Luke, 5.I7) So they were,in the Creation, Gen, z. So they are hill in regeneration, Jfa.59. zI. Verfe Z o. It is the Sabbath, it is not latvfull, &c.] Veri, fed non fncerè, It more troubled them, that Chrift had healed him, then that the Sabbath had been broken by him. The poorer Streeds