Chap."). according to St jo H N. 2 Streeds alwaies break the Sabbath ; faying that its only for Gentler men tokeep that day. Verfe I t. Me that mademe Whole; &c.] So, it heals, Chri!t hadhealed him,in part, on the infide alto : and given hate a ready . heart to obey, though it were contra gentes, as they fay. Verfe 12. What man is he. ] Not that made.thee whole, but triat bad thee take up thy bed, &c. They diílembled the former, andinfiited only upon the later, which thews the naughtineffe of their hearts. Verfe 13. Had convey'd himflfaway. ] Left by his pretence, that work fhouid be , hinder'd. True goodneite ispublick-fpirited, though toprivatedifadvantage; and works for aloft part unobfer- ved, as theengin that doth all in great bufineffcs, is oft inward, hidden, not taken notice of. Verfe 14. Findeth him in the Temple,] Praifing God, likely, for his unexpected recovery. So Hezekiah; the first worke hedid when offhisGek-bed, I/a. 38. 2 2. Behold thou art made Whole, &c.] Here is, r. Commemora. Ma deburgen(: do 6enefic i. z. C'ommonitio officio. 3. Comminatio fupplicy. Prxf, ad cent. ç. Ingentiabeneficia, ingentiafiagitia, ingentsa f pplicia. Verfe i 5. Told the Jews. J Of a good intent, Purely, to honour Chriff : however-it were the fpitcfull Jews,Probi ex xi. naturli caterosfingunt. TheDifciples could not imagine to ill of Iudas, as it proved. Mary Magdalen thought the Gardener (whoever he were) Ihould have knowne as much,and loged J fits as well, as flue did, Verfe id. Thereforedid the Inesperfeccete Iefsse. ] This he fore- knew wouldfollaw,and yet he forbore not. In the difcharge of . our ccr:fciences (rightly informed and regulated) we mutt not fland tooft perils : but doe our duties zealoufly, what ever come of it. This courage inChrinans, He.arh :ass enuntrd òbflinacy,,but they,knew not the power of the Spirit,nor the privic armour ref' . proof that Saints have acour their hearts.. Verfe ty. My Fattner Work th. ] Yet without labour or lafli:- tude, in conferving the whole creature. This he doth every day, and yet breakethnot the Sib aad ; Ergo necego: Verfe r 8. TheJews /óught the more.] Perf cution is (as Cal- win wrote to the French King) evangclii .eniaas,the bad geniue, Yeritc» o-liia;n ' thedivelthat doggesthe Gofpel.Ecclefakarescrucie (faith Lea- antTer.. ther.) Truth breeds hatred, faith the Heathen, as the fair Nymphes