Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

3 if Commentary upon theGotel Chap.5. Nymphes did the ill-favoured Fauns and Satyrs. Verfe 19. TheSonne can do nothing, &c.] He denies not him- felfto be the Son, though they quarrell'd him : but f weedy lets forth thedo&rine of his Deity, which they fo much ftomacked,and (tumbledat. Verte 20. For the Father loveth the Son] This noteth that e- ternall power of doing miracles, that is in Chrift. As that which follows, He will fbew him greater Works, &c. is tobe referred to the declarationof that his power. Thatyemay Wonder] thoughye beleeve not ; for fuck was the hardneffe of their hearts grown; as neither minittery, naifery, mi- racle, nor mercy, could poffibly mollille : Behold, ye delifors, and t +onder, andperifh, At.I3,41. Verfe za. Raireth up the dead] Bringing them from the ¡awes of death, to the ¡oyes of life : which none can do but God alone. Verfe2 2. The Fatherjudgeth no man] viz. The Father alone, but by the Son, to whom all judicatorypower iscommitted. Verfe z ;. He that honoureth not the Son] As Jews and Turks do not. Nor Papifts, that (upon the matter) defpoile him of his threefold office, and fodeny the Lord that bought them. Verfe 24. He the heareth my Word ] As death came into the worldby the door of the ear, fo cloth life eternall, íp.55.3 God was in the (till voice, and the Oracle bad, Hear ye him, Mat. r 7. Verfe 25. The dead!hall hear thevoice. The dead in fins (hall beleeve thepromifes, and fhall live the life of grace here, and of glory in Heaven. Verfe 26. So bath he given to the Son] What wonder then, if faith, apprehending the infinite fountain of life,derive thence Lome rivelet of life, and apply the fame to us,for fpirituill quickning ? Verle 27. Becaufe ke is the Son of m zn ] Or, as he is the Son of man. By vertueache hypoftaticall union, his manhood came as neer toGod as couldbe. He had the belt nacurall parts bothof minde, Ifa. i i.2, 3. and body, Pfal.45.2. and thebelt fbpernatu- rall, whereby helound favour aloft) with God,Luk.2.5'2. for hehad more neer familiarity with the Godhead, then ever had any crea- ture ; together, with a partner-agency with his Godhead, in the works of mediation, r Tim.2.5. In the age of exaltation, the Manhoodhash, i. excelle of glory. 2. the grace of adoration together with the Godhead. 3. Judiciary power, as here, and 17 30. Verfe