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~Chap.. according to StJo H N. Verfe 28. Marvellnot at this] And yet who can but marvel! at this great mylfery ofgodlinefle, whereat Angels fand amazed.? yea, whereat he himfelf wonders; and therefore calls his own Name Wonderful!, Ifa.9.6. It is truly affirmed of Chrill, that he Mirari deter, is created,and uncreated, without beginning,and yet began in time, no rimari. a Jew according to the flefh, and yet God bleffed for ever, c-c. The mannerhereof is tobe beleeved, not difcuffed, admired, not pried into, &c. His voice] Put forth by theMinifery of mighty Angels, and r The(4,t6. called by the Apoffle 07 ; a metaphor from Water-men,who call upon one another, and Irike oars together, as it were with one content. Verfe 29. They that havedone good] Indie judicii, plus vale- bit confeiewtia pura, quart; marepia plena. Bern. /lama2.1,2. Though other things bedarkly delivered ; yet when the Jews were to lofe land, and life, the Refurreaion is plainly defcribed. So Heb.11.35 Vnto the Refurre51ion of damnation] As Pharaohs Baker came forth to be hanged,. when the Butler was exalted. Good therefore is the caunfell given us by the heathen Oracour, Ira vi- vamus, tit rationem mobil reddendam arbitremnr. The wicked tic quarta in ¡hall come forthof their graves like filthy Toads, againf that ter- veicein, ribleform, Pf4l.9. the Elements (hall melt like fcaldinglead up- on them, &c. 2 Pet. 3, Verfe 30. I can of-mineown felf do nothing] But by thepower. communicated unto me, in that eternal! generation. eAs I hear ] So verf.19. u Ifee, which Reza underfandeth to be fpoken in refitft of his humane, nature, as it ishypolfatically united to the Divine. Verfe 31. c4(j *itne 'e is not true ]'That te, fit, firm, valid, frohumano. Conc:fa Rhetorica. Beza. Verfe 32. There is another that beareth Wieneffs],God the vrtutia/lragu. Father, by this miracle wrought upon the impotent man. Give we tampudefacas, reali tefimony toour profefíion by our practice. Malden; obedire laid 73iogenes quans soiracula facere, Paid Luther,. Profligate profeflours,do put to Rntiparer ; Religion to an open fh ,me, who __ingv:- Verfe That ye might be (ved This was that he fought Cohn, wore a 34 1 g r g whiteMoak, inall his oracles and miracles. Salvation properly notes the priva- Live part of our happinefe; besaufe it is carter to.tell fromwhat weare Paved, thentowhat. Verfe