Z Natiant, Aú and Mon. fol. 17 8 z. ciyxN.aaá livcu, todance a gal- liard. It was a formal! joy, or jollity ratier. Job. Mani, l,c. c0ìß.69 8. Ovd'eis vasa avés 7rcvneys eicrsi ioxi- Pit za< ziv kó,..0v. Athan. Tea, ad Scapula.n. ICa.I2.19. arn.'.zt. fI Commentary upon the Gof el Chap.5. Verfe 35. He Way a burning,&c. ] Burning in himfelf , and [pining to others : or, as it was faidof Bafit, thundering in his doctrine, and lightning in his life. And of Rogers and Bradford, that it was hard to fay, whether there were more force of elo- quence and utterance in preaching, or more helìneffeoflife and converfation to be found in them. For afeafon to rejoyce ] But he loon grew bale to them ; fo that they made no more reckoning of him, then ofa reed fhaken With the Wind, Matth. r t .7. 7'vincipesfavebant Luthero, fedjam iterurs videtis ingratitudinem mundi ergo minitrot, &c'. 1 iid good Melaneihon, in the year of Grace, 1559. Vale 36. The Works Which the Father pathgiven me ] Lo; Chriil accounts his work, igift : So Ioh, 174. The Works that Ido, hear Witnefè ] Let our works likewife (peak for us, Matth. S ,t 6. as they did for the Primitive Chriili- ans;of whom e.fthenagoras(their Embaffadour to the Emperoar) boldly faith ; No Chrit}ian is evil =mannered,unleffs it be loch as diffemble themfelves to be Chriflians.And Iufin Martyr confef- ethof himfelf; that beholding the piety ofChrttfans life, andcon- ilancy in death;he gathered,that it was the true Religion that they profeffed. Non aliunde nofcibiles guar's de emendatione vitiorum, faith Tertullian of the Christians ofhis time. And Chryfoftom fpeaketh offorce in his daies,whofe lives were Angelicail, they fo walked up to their principles. Verfe 37. Rath borneWitneffe of me] By the voice from Hea- ven, and the defcendingofthe holy ;host in the shape of a Dove, 'Matth. 3-. yet yehave neither heard his voice, nor feen his thape. Whofo blinde as he that will not fee ? Verfe 38. Andyou have not his word abiding in you] As an ingrafedWord : ye have heard it, but withyour bodily ears only, with thofe griffles that growupon your heads; ye have not drawn up the earsofyour rninds,to the earsofyour bodics,that one found piercingboth, ye might beieeve,ye havenot mix: the wordwith faith in your hearts, as in a vefl,'IP, &c Verfe 39. Search the Scriptures] Audite /æculares, comparato vobis Biblia, anima pharmaca, faith Chryf3floor. But Bibles lye (likeold Almanacks) moulding incorners,s hiles play-books ( the devils Catechifrnes ) are even wornout with over- diligent yerulall. It is a fadcomplaint whichReverend Moulin makes of his Countrymen, the French Protofants; whiles theyburned us, faith