Chap.5. according to St Jo x N. faith he, for reading the Scriptures, we burnt with zeal, tobe read- ing of them. Now withour liberty, is bredalfo negligence and d-if- MoatinrTheo. efteemofGods Word. Is it not fo alfowith us? ptnius. Theyare they Which teflifieof me] The BabeofBethlehem is bound up in there fwathing-bands. He is both Authour and Mat- ter of the Scriptures, and is therefore called the word. The dignity of the Scriptures (faithone) and theMajefly of Chrift mutually look on oneanother ; as, theSun doth on the Stars, and the Scarson the Sun. For as the excellency of the Sun appears by the gloryof the Stars, towhom it giveth light : So theMajelly of Chrift is ma- nifett by the Scriptures, to whom he givethcredit. On theother- fide, as the glory of the Star is magnified, becaufe it is the lightof theSun : fo the credit of the Scripture is exalted, becaufe they concern theSon ofGod. Verte 40. TeWill not come to me ] Though clearly convinced by the Scriptures. _See their obflinacy and malice. Amoscompa- reth fuch untameable, untra&able, mafterlefï'e monflers, to horfes running upon arock, where firfl they break their hoofs, and then Amos 64:; theirnecks. Verle 41. I receive not honour from men] q.d. I need you not, though I complain you come not to me. It is for your fakes that I Peek to you; Christ could be happy, though all men fhould naifcarry:as the Sun would fhine,though all the worldwere blinde. He leeks not ours, butus. Verfe 42. Te have not the love of God] Though ye pretend zeal for hisglory, toyour oppofing of me, yet there is aliud in ti- tulo,aliud inpixide. Hypocrites are likeEgyptian Tetnples,beauti- full without, but within, fome Cat or fuch like thing to be wor- {hipped. Verte 43. HimWild yereceive] As theydid Barchochab ; and that Pfeudo- ?frlofes (the devil hewas) that cozened fomany of Fsnco Chron. them in Creet, An. dom. 434. perfwading them to cat} them- felves after him into the fea, which fhouldpart, and make them_ way into their own Countrey again, whereby many of them perifhed. Verle44. which receive honour one ofanother ] Faith empties a manofhimlelf, purgeth upon ambition, and is an at ofthewill; elle the feekingof pralle withmen, could benoimpediment to the adofbeleeving. Surely, as Pharaoh fàid of the Ifraelites, they are entangled in the Land, the wilderneffe bath thus them in : fo may we 3-3