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34 ACommentary upon theGo/pel Chap.6, we fay ofmany, they areentangled in the creature, the worldhath. fhuc them in, they cannot come toChrift. They are fhut up in the Joth. a o.i 8, cave of the world,as chofe fiveKings in a cave, I.fb. i o. havehard- neffe ofheart, as a great Bone, rolled to the mouth, and honours, riches, and pleafurts, as fo many keepers, &c. Verfe 45. D o not thinkthat I] That is, that I only. £ven Moles]Soyour faithfull Minifters( whom men pretend to love and reverence,buc obeynot their dotsirinej chele (hall judge you. Verfe 46. For he Wrot of me] Both clearly and myftically, in róv7ws ©Solo- the many facrifices and ceremoniesof the Law. Whence Theedo- ;eas nx,sav?v, ret calleth Moles, the main Oceanof Divinity, out of whom all £ 'Q 77v1/7s theProphets and Apofileshave watered their feverall gardens. And mr7auát ¡cal aQat7ria. Parea clofeth up his Commentary upon Genefis with chele os4 em.2,deloin, words, QuicquidScriptssrarum f crarssm dehincfequitur, bolus eft Comment-arises. Verfe 47. But ifyebeleeve not hieWritings ] He that will not take Gods word inoneplace,will take it in no place. dia tuta by Sir Hump. Linde. ps64. [leyI. Geo p. 533. Bstidingf. CHAP. VI. Verfe9. FiveTark, loaves, a4e °°two fmall Fifties] ` As not Tyrabofco hardly driven , when, from thefe five Y V loaves, and two fifties, he concluded fevcnSacraments ? So in the fecond Councell of Nice under Irene, 70127. (one ofthe Legares of theEaftern-Churches) proved the making of Images lawful], beeaufe God had Paid, Let usmake man after our own I- mage. A found argument to overthrowone ofGods Command- !Dents, and yet it prevailed. Verle t r. He diltributed to the Difcipí /es ] Thefe five loaves, (by a ftrange kinde of Arithmecick) were multiplied by divifion, . and augmented by fubftraí`tìon. The Macedonians found, that not getting,' but giving, is the way to thrive, a Cor.9.8. 6x fame gtsaftum captabat yofephus e"~ benignitatela emit e/Egyptum nos etiam cceluce, So in fpirituall alms and goodoffices : Gods gifts grow in the hands of them that employ them, tofeedmany. Salienti.aquarum f nti andar fi togas, necexhauritur, necexte- nuatur,fed dulcefcit. Scientra,docendi ofcio,dulcçdinem fentiat, a*minutfa?, Vette.