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Chap.6. accardirag to S' J o'i3 Verfe 14. 7'h' isle of a truth, that 'Prophet] Yet anon they are at it,Wohat fgne thewef1 thorn ? that yon mayknow them to be the Verfe.;o, Pharifeesdifciples.Of whole foureleavenalfo,tha,t in the next verfe favours ; where they would needs take him by force,tomake him a King. They could not imagine a Meffìas, that hadnot an earthly Kingdom e. Verfe r 5. Take: him by f rce ] Superrtition will needs obtrude uponChritt will worthip, whether he will or no, and delpitehim with teeming honours, as the Lycaonians would needs have ítolen a facrifice upon Tani and Barna6as ; and the Salvages of Nova Albion, upon Sir Francis Drake,and hiscompany, at theirparting with them. Theyhad let it on fireere we were aware,faith he ; we laboured by all means to with-hold, or withdraw them, but could Theworld en- not prevail; till at length we fell to prayers, and tinging ofPfalms, compa{jed by whereby they were allured immediately to forget their folly, and Sir Fraacú leave their facrifice unconfumed, fuffering the fire togo out ; ánd, Drake p.8 i, imitatingus in all their amions, they fell a liftingup their hands and eyes toheaven, as they faw us todo. Verfe 16. Hù Difciples *eat doyen to fea] By Chrifts own command, Matth.14.22. Mark 6.45, yet they met with a fore form. So may the belt with trouble, in their molt lawfull employ ments,Pfal,34.18. But thefe make them look to their tackling, patience to their anchor, hope; to their helm, faith ; to their card, the Word ; to their Captain, Chrift, who is ever at hand. Verfe 17. 'efts Was not come to them ] This was worfe to them then the form. l t was wofull with Saul, when the Phtliflims i Sam.Z8 iT. wereupon him, and God would not comeat him, nor anfwer him. So when danger or death is upon a man, andGod is far from him. That doom, ter,16.13. I mill not 'hewyorefavour, was whrle then their captivity, Verfe 21. Immediately the 'hip Ws at land] A dying Saint bath no fooner taken death into his bofome, but he is immediately Au, deciv. landed at the key of Canaan, at the Kingdome of heaven. Fugi- D;iiib,9.c, 16. endum eft adclarimam patriam : ibipater, ibi omnia, Paid Plo- tintss the Platonift. Verfe 26. Bccaufeyedid eat ofthe loaves ]More then for love, Fix diligitur ycftu propter 7efiam, Aug. But as the mixt multi- tude came out of Egypt with Ifrael forabetter fortune, and as he Matth.2o. As the harlot looks to the love-tokens more then to the Donour: fo was it here. D a Verfe