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36 ACo,mment4ry upon theGo/i el Chap.6. Plut. ia Sylla. Reut. synb. A2.ovfn Luk.,;.34. -Rogers of Faith. set. confer. pag,zz. Dike of the deceitf, heart. Verfe 27. Labour not fir the meat, &c. ] When B2fil was tempted with moñey and preferment, heantwers, Pecuniam eta que p;rmaneat, accontiuuáduret,gloriam quit femper florear. The failiionof this world paffech away,as the water ofaRiver that runsby a City, or as a fair pitture drawn upon the ice, that melts away with it. Mm come co the worlds felicities, as toa Lotterys With heads hall of hopes, but return withhearts fullof blanks. Labour fir the meat thatendureth ] Wemay not dream of delicacy in Gods wayes,or think that good things will dropout of theclouds tous, as Towns were Paid to come into Timotheers his whileshe flept. We mutt be at pains for Heaven. Laboran. deem was oneof the Emperours motto, and, may be every Chritlï- ans. Strive they mufi even toan agony, ere they can get into the Lirait gate : together with our ftooping, there muff be acertain [tripping of our felves. Verle 29. This is the Work of God] The zo i§7P. Irisan eafie matter to beleeve ( thinks the worldling) but he that goes about ir, fhall finde it as hard a work tobeleeve the Gofpel, as to keep the Law. For God muti enabletoboth. Nonminus difficile e/I nobis ve/ie credere (faith Beta) queen; cadaveri volare. We beleeve with much confliti, faithanother. The combat wasnot fo great betwixt MichaelandSatan, about Mofes deadbody, as between Satan and the beleever, concerning Chrifis living, body. Faith is fain to tug and wrefile for it, till it tweatagain. Verfe 49. Did eat Manna] They fed upon Sacraments, and yet many of them perifhed eternally. A man maygo tohell with Font-water on his face,and be haled from the table to the tormen- tour, as he, Mat th.22. t3, Verte 5o. This is the bread] Aer c7axws, pointing to himfelf. So David,This poor man (meaning himfelf) cricd,and the Lord heard, him, &c. Pfal.34.6. So Hic lode, laid Oecolampadius on his death bed, layinghis hand on his breafi. Vertè 51. Ifany maneat, &c.] Hicedere eft credere,faith :Au- guftine : Faithbeing the fouls hand,motath,fiomack, &c. The Fa.. chers commonly expounded this part of our Saviours Sermon, as, fpokenofthe Sacrament of the LordsSupper ; and fo fell into that ,errour,that none but Communicants couldbe Paved : Wherefore alto they.gave theSacrament to Infants, and put it into the mouths, ofdead men,&c. We are not to chink that either our Saviour fpake here properly, and ex pro fe*o, of the. Sacramentall eating of his flek,